Run time: 05:11
Posted on YouTube: March 28, 2010
By YouTube Member: firedoglake
Views on YouTube: 546
Posted on DU: March 29, 2010
By DU Member: democracy1st
Views on DU: 1295 |
Meet Erick Erickson: CNN's newest political commentator Erickson's history of violent incendiary, sexist, and racially charged commentary Erickson defends Beck's statement that Obama is "racist" and lashes out at "Obama Brownshirts." At Red State, Erickson defended Glenn Beck's assertion that President Obama is a "racist." Erickson stated, "A while back, Glenn Beck called Barack Obama a 'racist.' Given all the terrorists, thugs, and racists Barack Obama has chosen as close personal friends (see e.g. Rev. Wright), it's not a stretch to say it." Erickson went on to call for a boycott of companies that have pulled out of Beck's show and are, according to Erickson, "kowtowing to Barack Obama's worshippers, brownshirts, goons, and thugs."
Erickson calls Michelle Obama a "marxist harpy wife." In a blog post headlined, "Is Obama Shagging Hookers Behind the Media's Back?" Erickson stated, "I assume not. I assume that Obama's marxist harpy wife would go Lorena Bobbit on him should he even think about it, but I ask the question to make one simple point: Barack Obama, like Elliott Spitzer, is a creation of the liberal media and, as a result, could be a serial killing transvestite and the media would turn a blind eye."
Erickson calls Souter a "goat fucking child molester." On his Twitter account, Erickson responded to Souter's retirement from the Supreme Court by stating, "The nation loses the only goat fucking child molester ever to serve on the Supreme Court."
Erickson suggested that the Clintons killed Vince Foster and that Dems would kill former Rep. Eric Massa. In a March 8 post to his Twitter account, Erickson discussed the controversy then surrounding former Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) and stated, "Wonder if the Dems will make Massa take a walk in Ft. Marcy Park." In response to a question, Erickson subsequently clarified that his statement was "a poor attempt at conspiracy humor" and told his followers to "See Vince Foster." Conservatives have advanced the conspiracy theory that the Clintons had Vince Foster murdered. Multiple official investigations that determined Foster committed suicide.