Cap and Trade schemes will also continue to keep the 3rd world periphery in poverty, and simply end up transferring 45 trillion dollars US to the private banks (including government central banks such as the Fed Reserve and the EU Central Bank in Franfurt that are actually privately held).
In addition, carbon allowances will be a huge source of speculation, just like oil and other commodities became after the ban on non-hedgers was lifted in 1993-94 under Robert Rubin. This will drive up prices artificially to vastly over-inflated levels, and will have little effect on the reducing of so-called greenhouse gasses. The fascistic multi-national behemoth corporations will simply pay for the right to pollute, as they are ultimately owned and controlled to a huge degree by the very-same private banks who collect the carbon taxes.
They will also count on this increase in price of production to drive smaller competitors out of business via scale-of-economy brute force modalities. This will lead to further vertical integration and consolidation under the whipsaw of the bankers.
In closing, the disgraced scientist at the IPCC's chief center for research (University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit in the UK), Phil Jones, has been forced to admit to no warming over last 15 years or so, see ----->