Tula Connell, Apr 9, 2010
In Arkansas, where Sen. Blanche Lincoln has been attacking working families and their unions in her re-election for the Senate seat, working families are coming out strongly for Lt. Gov. Bill Halter as their choice in the Democratic primaries. Lincoln, who took $576,900 in labor donations throughout her political career, has supported the exportation of more than 19,000 jobs from Arkansas by her backing of trade agreements that don’t include safeguards for U.S. jobs.
In a video clip by Communications Workers of America (CWA) locals 6507 and 6508, a union member puts it this way:
Blanche Lincoln is bad for working families. Bill Halter supports working families. That’s why we’re working so hard to get him elected. We think it’s time for a change in Washington.
Meanwhile, members of AFGE Local 2054 take on Lincoln’s attacks against Halter, whom she describes as taking money from big unions in Washington, D.C. In a video clip, the group of health care workers and other public employees sends a message to Lincoln in unison:
Blanche Lincoln, we take care of America’s working families right here in Arkansas. And we’re union.