Run time: 02:32
Posted on YouTube: August 03, 2010
By YouTube Member: harryreid2010
Views on YouTube: 47
Posted on DU: August 04, 2010
By DU Member: Turborama
Views on DU: 1360 |
Here's the website Yellin refers to (click on the image).">
I want to show you something else now. I want to bring your attention to something that's been said by Sharron Angle in Nevada. Now, Sharron Angle has said a lot of controversial stuff. But I think it could be argued that this one maybe takes the cake.
She is saying that you, Jessica, and me, Rick Sanchez, have to interview her in such a way so that we give her only what she wants so that she could get more support. It's -- well, let's listen.
SHARRON ANGLE (R), NEVADA SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: We needed to have the press be our friend.
CARL CAMERON, FOX NEWS: Wait a minute. Hold on a second. To be your friend?
CAMERON: That sounds naive.
ANGLE: Well, no. We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer, so they report the news the way we want it to be reported, and when I get on a show and I say, send money to, so that your listeners will know that if they want to support me, they need to go to
SANCHEZ: I don't know. When I think back to, like, Professor Irving Fang and some of those guys who taught me at the University of Minnesota, I don't ever remember one of them telling me that I was to go out there and only ask politicians the questions that they want to be asked.
YELLIN: No? Really?
YELLIN: You know what I would like, Rick? I would like all politicians to answer questions just like she did, to speak their absolute truth, even if it blows your mind.
Wow. What a gift to Carl Cameron. And he called her even naive at that point. "That seems a little naive" is what he said. And even "National Review," a conservative publication, posted an item online about it, and they called it, did she just say that out loud?
So, even conservatives are sort of raising their eyebrows about this one.
SANCHEZ: Well, does she not know or -- because I know that she's stepped in land mines in the past. So, because of that history, people are saying, does she not know that there's supposed to be an adversarial relationship between journalists and politicians?
YELLIN: Well, it actually perfectly plays into the -- I should say, the reason this could matter, that her comments could matter, is because Democrats are using it already to feed this narrative that not only in their view is she extremist, outside the mainstream, but, to your point, that she might not be ready for prime time.
And if you go online, you will already see the Reid campaign has a video of times that Sharron Angle has ducked press questions. The Dems have a page called Sharron Angle's Underground Bunker of her alleged extreme positions. So, it just feeds this overarching theme that, yes, she's not familiar with this terrain. Odd thing to say to a reporter.