unfortunately; after the debacle of the Bush wars, many, many people are under the misguided impression that our voices raised in protest will not be heard.
Corporations fear one thing above all else - THE PEOPLE'S WILL! Our will, our desire to purchase that which we truly NEED instead of that which someone else is hired to make you THINK you WANT, is their greatest fear. When we exercise our own free will, it leads to fewer purchases of Chinese-made crap, slower "growth", cratering stock prices and lost profits. It costs the CEO his job, and eventually can lead to their second greatest fear - being bought out or put out of business. Our buying habits are the only weapons we have - the courts and government are bought and paid for and the "business community" is a good old boy's club of back scratchers and sycophants.
What we need to do is put the fear of god back into corporations through organization and active protests (read : BOYCOTTS! and MASS PROTESTS!).
Its time for the people to take back the power. We can no longer wait for a government or political party to do it for us, we must become active participants in this government of the people, by the people and for the people. We must do our part because those we have tried to empower as our surrogates have utterly failed to take up the fight (with rare and notable exceptions such as the Gentlemen from New York and Florida).
Its time to threaten the corporations where they live...threaten their profits and their ability to survive in this broken capitalist model we call an economy. Since "growth" is the only thing they understand, care about and seek to achieve, we CAN control the corporations. I know the disappointment of the Obama administration's perceived lack of movement to produce "change" has stolen much of the power from this phrase, but YES, WE CAN. It remains STILL possible, STILL desirable, STILL the only thing that can save us from our destructive path.
That was why it was so potent in his campaign...the people of this nation desire a change from the corporatist state of amerika back towards the United States of America. The hunger is there, the thirst is there...but we have been given moldy bread and briny water (which is slightly better than the piss and shit we received from Cheney-Shrub. We have been living on the crumbs from the table of privilege for too long.
Even today, as the people hurt in ways not felt for generations, the old memes of privilege are being played in the media and used to sucker the gullible - "you can't RAISE taxes in a recession", "the Bush taxes cuts are the ONLY way to prosperity", "Citizens United decision is the only way to protect 'free' speech"... Its nonsense and not only that, its demonstrably FALSE nonsense! There are graphs and tables and facts and illustrations that put the lie to this thinking and yet, it is STILL being pumped out.
Well, I have had enough.
Starting today, I am joining those who are boycotting EVERY SINGLE COMPANY that has ANY ties to ANY corporate entity that advertises on Fox News or any company, media outlet or publication that promotes their tripe. I am inviting everyone to join in this effort. We can call it the "Of/By/For Foundation" or OBFF for short. Our mission is to harm corporations - financially and through decreased reputation - until they STOP harming the American middle class.
The list starts now (thanks to those who have already started this effort):
http://www.debone.com/boycottFoxNewsSponsors.htmlhttp://foxnewsboycott.com/fox-news-sponsors/http://www.alternet.org/blogs/peek/142134/want_to_boycott_fox_news_sponsors_here%27s_a_list/Thats just a start. Fox News is only part of the problem, though a very loud and vocal part. This list needs to extend beyond the carnival barkers at that so-called "news" channel and cover ALL corporations that harm the American people. Its a good start, but only the first steps in a real war that we can and must all fight, but its a war of ideas and actions - NOT guns and bullets, NOT bombs and killings. The world is ruled by dollars and cents, but we can change the rules by exercising our own sense and spending our dollars only with those who support the American ideal, not harm it.
We may have a current government that sees no problems in sacrificing American blood and treasure in Afghanistan and Iraq or on a bloated American Imperial Occupation Force...but if we can successfully boycott the sponsors of their current mouthpiece, then we can establish the precedent to take down the rest of the system. We can then go after the corporate overlords of the Military-Industrial complex by starving their Industrial arms.
Its taken the country some 50 years to go from the Kennedy administration's baby-steps towards peace and rational American social policy to the current mishmash of Corporate shills and villains that call themselves "public servants"; dressed in red and blue, but wearing the same damn corporate underwear. I probably do not have another 50 years on this planet, but if nothing else, I can start to try to undo the damage that has been wrought so far.
That's the least I can do for my country and for my children's future.
To do otherwise is to quit and to cede the country and the ideas that America was founded to represent - the main idea; that no "king" or "czar" or "CEO" should rule the lives of the people, that THE PEOPLE (a well-informed, and NOT propagandized, citizenry) should rule themselves - THAT idea is too powerful, too prima-facie to ever be allowed to be killed off.