Run time: 06:35
Posted on YouTube: August 05, 2010
By YouTube Member: SenateDemocrats
Views on YouTube: 277
Posted on DU: August 05, 2010
By DU Member: jefferson_dem
Views on DU: 1038 |
McCain's meltdown over DADT and Hate Crimes
by Joe Sudbay (DC) on 8/05/2010 06:50:00 PM
Remember that unstable John McCain we all grew to know during the 2008 campaign. Well, he was back with a vengeance today on the Senate floor screaming "Get off my lawn, you damn gays":
And, he's wrong about hate crimes. There was no secrecy around it. In fact, there were two recent Senate votes amending hate crimes to the Defense Authorization bill. In 2007, the hate crimes amendment broke the filibuster by vote of 60 - 39 (McCain was absent.) In 2009, the hate crimes amendment broke the filibuster by a vote of 63 - 28. McCain was there. The debate lasted a couple hours, not weeks. Clearly, McCain is easily confused, especially when he's being homophobic.
This is just an early indicator of what the battle will be like in the Senate to pass the compromise DADT repeal bill. It's going to get ugly