OK, maybe not sane, heck none of those wackos have a chance at getting out of the mental ward once we can start rounding them up... Personally, I think this is a strategy of the right to finish off the job of destroying this country. 8 years of Bush almost did it, so now they want to populate our House and Senate with more straight-jacket candidates to complete the job. They won't be completely happy until they disband the House and Senate because God told them to so that only Corporatist need apply for "elected" office (wink,wink).
The majority of these type of candidates would normally never get the amount of air time slated for a grocery store opening, and that's only if it were a slow news day in South Dakota. Besides, this is the same crowd that gave us McCarthyism, the Jim Crow laws in the South, Segregation, acquittals of white murders of blacks, union busting, gay bashing, and general fear-mongering. These are the true faces of your "family values" right wingers.
I am sick and tired of these small-minded people pushing back the progress of this great nation. We went to the moon, under a Democratic President, and we still are reaping the technological benefits from that progressive era. People like Ms. Angle are the American Taliban, they will not rest until our women are shrouded and our society is fully oppressed. Look at Afghanistan and see what the Taliban did there, what they've done in most areas of the Middle East and that is what the American Taliban wants to do to this country. We must get people off the couch, away from their televisions and into the voting booths this November. We must overwhelm the "black box" voting systems now in place or we will get more Sharron Angles and (god forbid) President Palin and Vice President Bachmann, you bet'cha!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." --Abraham Lincoln (sounds like a pink-o, Liberal, Marxist, Commu- What? He a Republican?)