Run time: 05:16
Posted on YouTube: August 21, 2009
By YouTube Member: egodestructcom
Views on YouTube: 1698
Posted on DU: August 07, 2010
By DU Member: roxiejules
Views on DU: 548 |
Joe Bageant discusses the corporate media-fabricated bubble of hyper-propaganda that Americans perceive as the real world, the Stockholm syndrome of the soul by which we identify with the ideologies of our captors and align ourselves against our own interests, and what this snow globe of a society looks like from the outside."They can’t perceive the capitalist atmosphere that they’re bathed in. They’re broadcast the signal directly to their brain all day long in every sign. Not just advertising: the lifestyle, the thin commercial veneer over everything, shiny and plastic and all. You can’t see it. It’s like if you ask the goldfish the main characteristic of its environment, it would never say “water,” and that’s the way people are in America. They have no idea how their consciousness has been mutated by a hundred years of capitalism and the last thirty years of intense technology applied to that. So I believe that there’s these kind of collective neurological shifts that you can tell, and it’s not just me. Everybody I know, particularly the gringos, who understand the United States and lived here, and grew up here. We all say, “What did you feel?” And we’re all in agreement. We may have different terms for it, but we can feel the change in the atmosphere." - Joe Bageant