What is worse, in the end we come to realize that we are just fodder trapped between opposing "chemical forces" all of which are ruining our health and our lives with substances that many of us can't even pronounce.
While the chemical industry cranks out one new compound after the next with little regard of their effects, only their profit potential -- Big Agribusiness extends and entwines us further down into this chemical spiral by utilizing even more chemicals that alter what was once plain 'ol food -- into something else -- a food that can fight off insects with its own "pesticides." Which we later consume after being told they "should" have no deleterious effects!
Of course then there are the antibiotics they add to the feed of the animals we eat, so as to avoid illness in them, while at the same time lowering our own bacterial resistance -- and creating SuperBugs!
And let's not forget about the nitrates. Here they overuse fertilizers designed to increase crop production which end up washing into our creeks, then the rivers and then the deltas and finally end up in the sea causing "dead zones" where even without BP's oil spilling all over the place -- nothing can live anyway.
So after a couple of decades or so of this kind of chemical soup exposure, we're ready for Big Pharma's bag of tricks. And they are ready and able to hook us deeper into what has now become an endless chemical death spiral, only now in order to "correct and heal the damage" that the other chemicals we've been consuming all of our pitiful lives, has wrought.

- To add insult to these already insulting injuries, the EPA which was charged by Congress 14 years ago to test and report on the damage caused to our endocrine systems by all these chemicals we're exposed to, has wasted the bulk of this time arguing over what type of rats to use in the testing. Why worry about the fucking rats when they've got us?
EPA - Endocrine Disruptor Screening ProgramIn 1996 Congress passed a bill which required the EPA to investigate and report upon the then 70,000+ chemicals that Americans were being exposed to by the chemical industry's products (now over 85,000+).
The law was passed because many of these chemicals were suspected of being potential "endocrine disruptors." This conclusion was reached in part due to a variety of (inter) sexual anomalies being found in various types of wildlife (fish, alligators, etc.), as well as human hormonal problems being reported in medical journals involving early puberty among adolescents.
Since the passage of the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program in 1996, the EPA has spent the bulk of the past 14 years discussing which type of rodents to use for the testing and in creating the actual list of chemicals they will test.
While the issuance for screening orders to begin the testing was just submitted in October 2009, to-date, after 14 long years since the passage of this legislation --
no actual testing of any endocrine disrupting chemicals has begun.
Not since 1996.
http://www.epa.gov/endo/EDSP 1996 - 2010 Timeline: