ugly - because nobody 'up there' is doing a damn thing to stop it. This 'Professional Leftie' says it's a problem - a growing festering one - that has been ignored for TOO long in favor of Wall Street and corporates.
Gibbs can Gibber all he wants, point fingers, whine, call names, and kick in the teeth the very people who worked hard to get Obama elected - and lose their votes when they're needed most. Who Gibbs ought to be calling out and calling names - who they need to eliciting the hatred of is the GOP, Wall Street, and Corporate America, instead. They are the problem - NOT the "Left". But rather than DEAL with the REAL problems, rather than FACE them head-on (FDR style, honey), they cowardly kick their own constituents, while pandering to big business, Wall Street and the GOP - the very entities that got us into this mess. I guess that's easier. But it ain't what's best. Far from it.
Do I got a problem with that? Youbetcha. My butt was out in August/Sept heat canvassing for votes for Obama. Doing phone banking, writing letters. Had his signs in my yard, on my car and all over my neighborhood. And basically what I get in return for that is:
And I get told that myself and millions of others like me were NOT who got Obama elected. EXCUSE ME?!
How about they stop punching US in the face and start dealing with the people who are REALLY the problem. 'Cause doodz, it ain't the "Left", Professional or otherwise. WE didn't make this mess of our economy. The GOP and Wall Street did. The Professional Robber Barons on Wall Street are who Gibbs ought to be Gibbering about. And his boss, should, too. Unfortunately Goldman-Sachs and Wall Street run our Treasury Dept. and seemingly, everything else on Capitol Hill.