Run time: 17:20
Posted on YouTube: August 17, 2010
By YouTube Member: UpTakeVideo
Views on YouTube: 27
Posted on DU: August 17, 2010
By DU Member: Joanne98
Views on DU: 449 |
Political trackers have existed for years, and Republican followers have been following DFL candidate for Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton for a year. But when GOP trackers prevent or intimidate voters from approaching him to discuss the issues, Dayton said, a line has been crossed. Dayton showed a video from this past Saturday's debate at Game Fair to back up his claim. His campaign manager Dana Anderson read a letter being sent to GOP Chair Tony Sutton asking for tracker boundaries such as wearing party identification and standing a respectful distance away. In response, GOP spokesperson Mark Drake said wearing party ID isn't necessary for GOP trackers because Dayton knows who they are. Drake defended the tracker tactics but wouldn't give their names, acknowledging that the public doesn't know who they are.