Are you speaking of the same Saudi Arabia which recently gave the OK for Israel (a Non-NNPT signatory with hundreds of nuclear warheads) to use its airspace to attack Iran (an NNPT signatory with ongoing UN inspections) so they can maintain a monopoly on Nuclear weapons in the region? Sure, the Saudis give lip-service to the Palestinians, just as our government gives lip-service to supporting high-wage jobs while their policy is just the opposite. A 'nuclear-arms free' middle east is a nice dream, but I doubt Israel would go along.
Also, please name the heads of the media outlets and high government officials who are Palestinian so we can compare lists. To cite one example, consider Wolf Blitzer, former Jerusalem Post staff (the pro-Liqud Fox News of Israel) on CNN. It seems that only WASPs were required to adopt the idea of ethnic neutrality and bury the racist-hatchet; everyone else can advocate for 'their ethnicity's interests over others' and it is Politically Correct. I hope that someday we can give up that crap and live MLK's dream, but this will not happen until the majority realize we are all part of the same unified lifeform.
We should also consider the influence of movies/TV and their portrayals of Arabs (and other Moslems) versus Jews; these set the stage for US perceptions of Israel. Joel Stein reported on the topic of Jewish influence in Hollywood for the LA Times. He stated, "The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish." < > I think it is a safe bet that we won't see much pro-Palestinian propaganda coming from that camp.
I'm trying to think of any foreign power, not just Palestinian/Arab, which has the influence over our so-called 'representatives' in Washington as AIPAC has. The multinational corporations certainly qualify as foreign powers (and have demonstrated they do not have the American people's interests at heart by a long-shot) but they are not representing 'nations'. As a result, every interview with a Congressperson we see is influenced by a fear of AIPAC's power.
A dime for a dime influence versus the Palestinians in the media? I think not.
I should hasten to add that many of my closest friendships and some of the most interesting conversations I have had over my lifetime were with Jewish-Americans. I am thankful for their contributions to our culture and push-back against Xtian-extremism here. I do hope the Israeli people with replace their government with a peaceful one as I hope for the same in the USA. Unfortunately, power corrupts all equally, it seems, and "hooray for our side" and dehumanization of anyone standing in the way wins the day.