President Obama was elected to CHANGE things. Instead "we" (not really us), have demanded BI-PARTISANSHIP with the "party of no", the enemy of 90% of Americans who must work to survive. If "our" President would implement a wealth tax, would really fight for Universal health care, make the banksters and corporations treat individuals fairly...or not go against Progressives that do so....things would be so much different. There is no "change" when corporations and the wealthy keep prospering by treating the majority of Americans as serfs. Now we face the very real prospect of getting politicians (extremist rw'ers) back in power, because they never really lost power. President Obama kept most of Bush's' henchmen in place, and added more of the same (Geithner, Summers, Rahm, etc...)to his cabinet. Obama refused to "look back" at the crimes of the previous administration. He never considered REINSTATING THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE, even though FOX TV influences millions of people daily with their propaganda and lies. Maybe people think that having the enemy they know, in power, is better than the alternative. There have been and still are, so many opportunities for REAL CHANGE that have, and still are rejected, that it amplifies the the problems and silences the small accomplishments that this administration has made. Of course, it all had to be non-partisan..........