This guy makes some really good points and he is right on. Corporations are far too powerful today and they will only get stronger in the years to come.
The video made me think (and that's not always easy!)
Compare a wealthy person with a wealthy corporation. When the wealthy person gets a certain age he will die. The gov't will take some of his wealth (inheritance tax). When a corporation gets that same age... nothing happens. It just keeps accumulating power and wealth.
Based solely on that issue we can clearly see that when corporations are given the "same" rights as a person as they are today, they actually are super-persons, immortal super-persons.
Let's now assume that the hypothetical rich guy causes someone to die because of his negligence or willful disregard for the law. What happens to him? He is fined severely. He will get sued and the full force of the law will be brought down upon him to make sure that he is cleaned out economically (in a perfect situation). And he will probably also go to jail.
Now, if a corporation causes death due to its negligence or willful disregard for the law... who goes to jail? Nobody. Does their bank account get wiped out by lawyers? Nope. Most of the time they get a small token fine that isn't even 10% of the money they saved by NOT following the laws. So the corporation is REWARDED for killing someone, in essence.
This has to stop.