Edited on Sun Aug-22-10 02:55 PM by ooglymoogly
Great find and thanx for posting it. Should be required subject matter in every school in America with films like this its thrust;
Though not likely;
As our fast dwindling education systems and the seats of our knowledge and our unfunded Libraries are fast disappearing in tandem with schools being co-opted into stupidity.
A path of self destruction we are, once again, eagerly trotting down with seeming abandon today; With the same characters at the fore; The near identical, Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh et al; In look, in thought, in deed; So real they could superimpose each the other on those blasphemous characters of the Reich of the past.
Make no mistake;
It is happening again;
Only this time much smarter, the propaganda much slicker; And the fog of it much denser, the confusion of lies much more devious; So convoluted that a mental picture of any being blowing smoke up its own ass is unavoidable.
I was born into that infamous era; Two years before Pearl Harbor; so perhaps understand its import better than many of those born into and after the advent of the drug wars and Reaganism; The beginning of a new era of fascism; That once again drummed nothing into an excuse to subjugate; To incarcerate; To play loose with the freedoms of others; To divide by nothing more than lies and propaganda.
We; Yes We; Have allowed millions of us to be prosecuted, jackbooted, many shot, with lives ruined, property confiscated for this lie, this fascist farce; Called the "drug Wars"; Orwellian for Wars on the people of this country to protect the international drug industries and yes the complicit drug cartels.
Many of these toddlers are just beginning to see the harm now permeating our civilization from those unchecked lies; Gone unchecked by cowardice and ignorant pug machination; Destroying the lives of millions; On trumped up and unconstitutional law;
As many of them have not known, or been exposed to the knowledge of anything else.
Of letting a government break its own laws and its constitution; For "Pragmatism"; The Orwellian lies "For the good of the country"; And "For the good of its people"; These, the first warheads of propaganda to foment division from something so wholly invented for that same purpose of division and subjugation; The unchecked lie, that allowed to grow and fester will destroy us and is destroying us.
Playing loose with the liberties and freedoms of others;
Who of us is so outraged by the home or farm of a family with cancer in its midst having their house confiscated and sold, casting them into the streets or worse for growing a medicine vital to them. Is that fascism? Who of us gets into the streets to defend these helpless people under the jackboot of this kangaroo justice making it a paramount cause that must at any cost be brought down.
This ability to so easily incarcerate an entire segment of the population that is invariably on the left, on the pretext of a drummed up delusion; Based on nothing more than an illusion of lies;
The drug wars that Reagan-Meese et al lied us into; we all know it is a farce and based on nothing but lies; That farce, still unchecked growing into the monster of fascism it has become; The precursor to the foreign wars of today.
Yes we are well down that primrose path; Already divided; Again;
These illegal wars are just the beginning and they have done exactly what was intended, divided this country to fractions and giving the right the upper hand.
Ronald Reagan; Lying us into a war on drugs and our own people; Is only different from "*" Lying us into a war with Iraq in that it was war on another country, not our own people; And next, after we are bored with Iraq and Afghanistan; Their worth gone dry, the propaganda becoming transparent and hollow....looks like Iran.
The result and the outcome of all this; Will and must be, the feudal fascist state needed to protect the house of cards that is the unchecked lie that exposed; Would mean the death of; Once again a bunch of fascist thugs; The lies that protect just the few from being strung up by the toes, or shot in the head and burnt to ashes or brought to disgraceful trials like Nuremberg: Hitler, Mussolini and Goring being prime examples. In a word "coldcocking" the lies with a true understanding of their dangers;
That courage and understanding non existent today.
But that was when this country still had the courage to check the lies even to the point of war; To see first hand the damage they could do when unchecked. To prosecute the liars, the perpetrators of lies; A courageous act that saved the world from all out tyranny for 60 or so years;
The direct opposite of what is now going on in this country;
When the lies and treasons, once again go unchecked in a long line from Reagan et al, the masters of delusion, illusion and propaganda; Never brought to justice for their documented treason, allowed to flourish into the, no longer nascent, fascism of today; Laying the ground for "*" et al and "corporate" takeover; The new and improved Corporate State of Fascism; Where newspeak is the first and required language.
RIP the America of a Democratic peoples;
All hail the new and improved "Murka"; Of a feudalism of the fleeced perpetually fighting amongst itself; Brought to us by the tormented delusions of the brain dead right who have blindly and with way too much hubris, pulled us all into this hell with them.
While the ruling class of fascist thugs, live in villas on the coast of France, et al., yachts and myriad homes in their wholly owned; 10 most beautiful spots on earth, where the Nazi salute is a high five and the understanding of the beauty that surrounds them or any beauty or class is scant to nil. Where the understanding of beauty and class is bought; Touted to them by a New New York design corporation based on upstart newspeak knowledge. A state of utter futility destined for a dead end in evolution.