debacle is as a result of the demonizing elicited by Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham Bill O'Reilly and all the other right wingers that spew this tripe.
Have any of these people ever sat back and thought (difficult), what their views are?
They think the president is a Muslim (so what)
They think the president is Kenyan (he is not)
They hate stem cell research, but I bet 99% of them have no idea what it is.
They want to send all the Illegal aliens back to "Mexico" but not all are Mexican.
They want to continue without any gun law changes whatsoever so that those they despise from #1 can easily acquire them.
They hate everything the president wants, ie, increased length of unemployment but are not smart enough to know that many of their own are actually receiving benefits. Have they checked on this issue? No, because they already know the answer.
They do not believe in weather change and think the world is 5,000 years old.
They think that socialism is reaaaaalllly bad. Social programs that they all benefit from are Ok as long as it is a conservative one.
They compare the President to Hitler but don't know that Hitler was like them, a right winger.
They believe that nazi's were left wing because of the word socialist in its name. I always wondered but never got an answer from a winger if they ever realized that the Republicans in the Spanish Civil war were left wing, the Irish R.E.P.U.B.L.I.C.A.N. Army was also left wing. When it existed DRG was the Democratic Republic of Germany as the the same for North Korea, but alas, they are so insular and uneducated it annoys me to even write this crap.
The yappers on the radio and television need to take responsibility for their words just as Goebbels did when his right wing rants and ideals were the reason he ended up committing suicide with his ultra right wife and their poor innocent children.
All of this is lost when you have the misfortune of speaking to one of these clowns. Educated as some of them are they are not rational nor are they informed.
Has any person here read that the recent theory put forward by most academics is that intelligence is more to do with rationalizing that it is to IQ score.