Run time: 05:58
Posted on YouTube: August 26, 2010
By YouTube Member: PoliticsNewsNews
Views on YouTube: 5
Posted on DU: August 26, 2010
By DU Member: Hissyspit
Views on DU: 3902 |
MSNC The Ed Show w/ CENK UYGUR - Aug. 26, 2010. Cenk calls out GOP's anti-Muslim, anti-gay demagoguery.
CENK: "Tonight we start with
the Party of Hate. The Republican Party in this country has been running on hate and division for the last 50 years. First it was the Southern Strategy meant to discriminate against African-Americans in order to gain White Southern votes. That worked in capturing the South for a generation or more. But they lost the entire African-American vote for even longer. That's what happens when you slap someone across the face.
Then, once that well started to run dry, they apologized. In 2005, Republican chairman Ken Mehlman told the NAACP he was sorry:
'Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politcally from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.'
And then, they unapologetically picked their next target: Gay Americans. They ran campaigns all across America premised on taking away rights from gays in this country. Now, one of the architects of that plan, Ken Mehlman, who ran George W. Bush's campaign in '04, and was the RNC chair in '06, has come out and said that he is gay. Again, our bad, our mistake...
Then there is the vitriolic fight against immigrants, undocumented ones, and in Arizona, just people who happen to look undocumented.
And, of course, there's the granddaddy of all prejudice - fear and hatred stoked up against Muslims in this country. Now it's gotten so bad that a young man stabbed a cabbie in the neck and face Tuesday after finding that out he was Muslim. He yelled 'Asalaam alaikum. This is your checkpoint.' Ironically, asalaam alaikum' means 'peace be with you.' But Islam has been so twisted by conservative demagogues here that a peaceful greeting has been misinterpreted as a war cry. And then used against Muslims.
Then a man yesterday walked into a mosque in Queens and urinated all over their prayer rugs, while yelling that all Muslims were terrorists. Gee, I wonder where he got that idea?"
NEWT GINGRICH (VIDEO): "Nazis don't have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust museum in Washington. We would never accept the Japanese putting up a site next to Pearl Harbor. There is no reason to accept a mosque next to the World Trade Center."
CENK: "If the manufactured rage against minorities, and Muslims in particular, was not bad enough, Republicans across the country have added an element of violent imagery to top it off:"
SARAH PALIN (VIDEO): "It's not a time to retreat, it's a time to reload."
MICHELLE BACHMANN (VIDEO): "I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue."
- snip -
CENK: "Then there was the guy in Pittsburgh who killed three police officers because he was convinced they were coming for his guns. Gee. I wonder where he got THAT idea?"
GLENN BECK (VIDEO): "He will, slowly but surely, take away your gun, or take away your ability to shot a gun, carry a gun. He will make them more expensive, he'll tax them out of existence. He will, because he has said he would, he will tax your gun or take your gun away, one way or another."
CENK: "Then there was the man in Tennessee who shot people inside of what he considered a 'liberal church.' He was reading O'Reilly and Hannity's books on how terrible liberals are, and might have heard a rant like this..."
GLENN BECK (VIDEO): "I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church website. If you find it, run as fast as you can."
CENK: "Look, this is destructive to our country. It rips us all apart. The demagoguery, especially based on race or religion, is also destructive to the idea of America, that we are all created equal, and are all equally American. But it is also destructive to the Republican Party. What Black person, gay guy or girl, immigrant, or Muslim American, in their right mind, would vote for the Republican Party? They might as hang a sign around their neck saying 'I hate myself.'
So in the end the GOP will be left holding a shrinking part of th eU.S. population, screaming about how they hate everyone else. That's a terrible political strategy. Don't get me wrong. Demagoguery works in the short run. That's why they do it; they've been doing it since McCarthy, 'cause it gives them a temporary leg-up in the next election. But in the long run, it kills their own brand. You're not going to get a majority of even the White voters you think you're going for by being the party of hate. They're much better than that. They're Americans.
So after a couple of more Muslims and others get attacked and the passions die down, America realizes again that there is no Boogey Man coming to get them, that Sharia law is not about to be imposed in Des Moines or Sacramento, they will reject this politics of hate. Then where will the Republican party be? With even less voters, even more marginalized, and probably even more angry.
We are witnessing the death pangs of a once-great party, the party of Lincoln. That is no more. If they keep going this way, they're going to go from the Grand Old Party to the Sad Little Party, and they'll only have themselves to blame."