A small group of Japanese fishermen are poised to resume their brutal genocide on the "Humans of the Sea", or dolphins, in September.
A brief summary:
Dolphins are intelligent, self-aware mammals with bonded social interactions. Adult female dolphins who lose their young have been known to stop eating until they die. Groups of dolphins stay with and aide other dolphins in distress. They have been known throughout history to save human lives...
The acute sense of sound of dolphins is as important to them as eyes are to us. But in that cove in Japan, sound tragically becomes their undoing. Fishermen bang long steel poles against the hulls of their vessels. Dolphins frantically swim away from the deafening sound and into into a large trap.
The PSA above shows a young dolphin vainly trying to escape the fate of his/her parents and friends. Many of the dolphins who are driven into the deadly cove die from heart attacks before they are brutally stabbed, perhaps driven insane from fear and confusion; perhaps even a sense of betrayal.
Eventually they are harpooned from fishermen on small boats. Other are stabbed with knives by fishermen wading in the water. Our ears can only hear a small portion of the sounds they emit, but their rapid high pitched whistles clearly indicate that they are crying, perhaps screaming as they slowly drown in the blood of their friends and family. Sadly ironic, some fishermen try to kill them instantly by spearing them through their brains, the same brains that resemble human brains in size and complexity more than any other animals, including the great apes. Some suffer for up to twenty-four hours. Defenders unfairly compare these barbaric acts to the slaughter of chickens and cows. Perhaps many of them believe that dolphins are fish...
Surely this horrible display of man's inhumanity to cetaceans does not reflect the sensibilities of a majority of people, including most of the people of Japan. We must not let a small group of fishermen and a small element of the Japanese government continue to get away with is essentially brutal and systematic mass murder.
Please sign the petition and lets try to end it once and for all this year.
Thanks for reading this.