Run time: 24:31
Posted on YouTube: August 30, 2010
By YouTube Member: AlJazeeraEnglish
Views on YouTube: 2371
Posted on DU: August 31, 2010
By DU Member: Turborama
Views on DU: 983 |
AJ English's description:
Tens of thousands of people have attended a controversial rally in Washington DC organised by conservative talk show host Glenn Beck. Is US history witnessing a new radical movement that could steer the country in a different direction? Or is this simply a passing trend?
Towards the end (in fact quite a lot during the whole exchange, but particularly towards the end), both Ari Rabin-Havt (Media Matters' Vice President for Research and Communications) and Faiz Shakir (Editor in Chief of Think Progress & Vice President of the Center for American Progress) take on Phil Kerpen (Vice President of Koch Industries' "Americans for Prosperity") for lying to the American public and try to expose what Americans for Prosperity's real agenda is.
BTW it was Koch Industries' spokesmouth Phil Kerpen who was behind the witch hunt against Van Jones...
I talked about him here in my DK diary back in Sept last year:">"Big Oil" Lobbyist Was Behind the Van Jones Witch HuntAnd in this DU OP I posted at the same time:">OK, I've found out that it was a "big oil" lobbyist behind the Van Jones smear campaignIf you listen to Kerpen you will hear his talking points (especially the ones about Soros and the Tides Foundation) are actually exactly what Glenn Beck rants on about. This guy and the hardcore Libertarian/Multibillionaire Corporation owning brothers he represents are actually Glenn Beck's speech writers and researchers.
Here's SourceWatch on AFP: