Edited on Sat Sep-11-10 12:17 PM by Hulk
I know the feeling. I agree with you 100%. I feel the same way about the USA today. I know...there goes my chances of being President someday. But truth is...we are a nation of shameless idiots. Thank God there are enough people in this country that have some intelligence and some compassion for their neighbors and hope for their country.
My wife is Mexican. We are moving back to the USA to live for a few years in about 12 days. I'm ashamed to make her come with me. She is scared to death. She knows that people stare at her and give her ugly looks, like "what is that damned wet back doing in my country, stealing my tax dollars, blah, blah, blah." It's the truth. I can't tell her otherwise, cause I know it's true.
This once great nation of ours has turned to shit. It was never that great, anyway. When we weren't prejudice against the Latinos, we were prejudice against the blacks. When we weren't focused on hating the blacks, we hated the indigenous (native Americans). We have always been a nation of haters. It was the Italians, the Irish, the Japanese, the Vietnamese immigrants (after we screwed their lives in their homeland, where most of them would have preferred to live in peace)and certainly the gays and lesbians and Muslims or "non-christians". Yeah...we're a real "jewel country", we are.
And if you say maybe we had an attack on 9/11 coming?...then you are shit under the boot of the patriotic Amerikkkan. Absolute bull shit.
I had a dream last night...that we were someplace in Canada..where the people were happy, willing to live and let live....supported each other, and cared for one another. Then I woke up...and realized that isn't where we're going. We're going back to the racist, hating USA where if your skin is darker...you are hated for it. (Even though boener and thousands others WANT that darker skin, so long as they can verify it was done on the beach or in a tanning salon.)
We really are a sick ass nation of ugly, ignorant and hateful people. We try to influence them..but it really does no good. We hope they will die out..but they only multiply. We try to educate them, but they resent education and think we are beneath them for trying to teach them.
Nation of morons. I feel for you in GA. I feel for anyone in any red state. I feel for anyone with a repukkke representative anywhere in the country. And I feel for everyone of my fellow progressive, liberal and compassionate brothers and sisters in the USA...because we really are a sick society. Always have been..and probably always will be. Fact is fact.