Edited on Sat Nov-06-10 08:15 AM by RBInMaine
and compromise with them but they simply refuse, this can mean a HUGE win for the D's. They just have to frame it right and message it right. It is a chance to make the R's look like total assholes if they refuse to extend middle class tax cuts because they want to hold out for the super rich. It is the first issue that will show the stark CONTRAST between D's and R's going forward. I think Obama and Dems have a chance, out of the gate, to score a big win here and make BONER look like a total shithead. Think about it. It is a win win. If the D's agree to a TEMPORARY extention only for the tax cuts for the rich and they strike a deal, they win and the R's lose because it isn't permanent and the TeaBaggers will be pissed as all hell saying the R's caved. If the R's refuse to compromise at all and if the D's message right and show the R's are holding out and obstructing because of the tax cuts for the richesst Americans, then middle America will blame THEM for doing so, AND it will make them look even more stupid because they have no plan to pay for the tax cuts thus destroying their claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility while at the same time allowing the tax cuts to expire for the middle class.
Obama is playing this exactly right so far, and if he and Dems stick together and continue to play it right, they can WIN this argument nationally and make the R's look like the fuckwads that they are and already start the process of buyers remorse against the R's. Obama and D's just have to continue to FRAME this issue right and stay clear and consistent in their messaging on it.