...that require hearing.
However, in the few instances where they are asked, 9 times out of 10 they're ignored. If they're not ignored it's because they're being referred to as ridiculous, unreasonable -- or pie-in-the-sky-undoable-wishful-thinking. Which is (no doubt), the same thing that was once thought about capitalism.
However, there is one thing that I do know:
"Capitalism is not sustainable." Its very nature is to take all and leave nothing -- if possible (which is also another definition for
cancer). So it fails the test of natural-symbiosis - a set of laws which all things in Nature must adhere to. When things don't adhere to Nature's laws, there are always consequences to pay for the violation. And it is also why frequent "market crashes" are necessary for capitalism to
seem to work at all. One must re-rig the rigged game in order to keep it rigged in the right direction ("like when a bank is declared: "too big to fail").
Of course it's helpful to remember that when we look at history, we always find that it is rare when we humans quickly learn from our mistakes. We seldom seem to understand
en mass in a timely fashion. At least not until the mistakes of not learning have been repeated many, many times -- at an extremely high price which has been paid by our for-bearers. So far there's no evidence that we've figured this one out - yet. Otherwise there'd be guillotines up and down Wall Street as we speak.
Of course it is so much easier for the
"powers that be" to retain their positions over us, as well as maintaining this ridiculously unbalanced monetary system -- through our own ignorance. Particularly when we can be so easily manipulated and set upon one another, fighting for the scraps they dole-out and the low-paid jobs offered.

- When Nature only knows abundance and the world has or produces more than enough for everyone. And then some......
"Capitalism did not arise because capitalists stole the land and the workmen's tools, but because it was more efficient than
feudalism. It will perish because it is not merely less efficient than socialism, but actually self-destructive." ~
http://www.stephenjaygould.org/people/john_haldane.html">J.B.S. Haldane