Level the playing field on campaigns, outlaw lobbyists and let our government work the way it should. And that is to serve the people. Hike the taxes on the top 2%, make them pay into the social security fund, Lower taxes on the middle class, lower defense spending, bring our boys home from fighting an un-winnable war and restart manufacturing in this country. Our infrastructure is a mess. I know, I travel over bridges and tunnels in the NY, NJ, CT area daily and let me tell you coming off the Major Deegan onto the Cross Bronx is a harrowing experience. Those ramps are so high and so old I'm surprised we haven't had a major disaster yet. Rewrite the free trade agreements so they don't allow for outsourcing and they aren't so lopsided against Americans and let's get on with it. In other words close the trade deficit.
The corporations and the rich that control them are the problem in this country. There is no regulation anymore and that is a major problem in this country. Provide universal health care to every living American and tell the republicans to shut the hell up about things they know nothing about.
Build a cross country mag lev train and extend that to go between major cities and screw the airlines that are continually trying to screw us.
Let's bring the manufacturing of renewable energies, windmills, solar panels, battery technology, hydrogen technology, etc. back to this country and move forward.
If a republican complains about unions, ask him/her if they enjoy their weekends off, a 40 hour work week, lunch breaks, vacations, health care from their employer, then ask them if they would approve of their 12 year old child performing hard labor.
Because without unions none of the things I mentioned would be in existence except for the exploitation of children.
In other words stop all the politicing bullshit and get down to the brass tacks and get back on track.
Who really cares if someone smokes a joint in their home? Who really cares if the stem of a pickle is too long,(there's actually a government grant for this study) and why on this Green earth do people get paid to make sure customers are satisfied with the car they bought, holy crap, if they weren't happy with it they wouldn't have bought it.
And finally, if a Supreme Court Justice donates to either party, impeach his/her ass immediately. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00, just get the f off my Supreme Court. They are supposed to be neutral. I could go on and on but I appreciate you all letting me rant. I love Obama but I don't believe he's as tough as he should be.
Thank you again