It's not that they are the only ones. Anyone with a political ideology is annoying to an extent. Its just that they think that because they have been gifted from God massive intelligence that shows that they know everything and anyone to the left is fucking retarded. They try and prove it with baseless statements, and if you show them up in a discussion they change the subject.
Here's an example from my high school years: Angry Libertarian Kid: "It wouldn't be that bad if we privatized roads. I mean, why should I pay for a road I may never even travel on? And competition is good, we shouldn't just have the government to pay to."
Me: "Well, privatizing roads could lead to a problem. If there is a massive highway from point A to point B, and it is the only way to directly and quickly get to these two places, then using common sense almost everyone will use this road. It will then, after earning more and more money, decide to increase the price to use the roads. The other roads, with reduced traffic along them, will fall into disrepair and go bankrupt. The A-B Highway would have eliminated the competition in the area, destroying your original idea of fair competition.
But, lets say your right: Maybe we should privatize roads? Heck, why end there? We could keep privatizing and privatizing until you have to pay a big corporation everything! They will have wonderful slogans, such as 'You wouldn't expect a free Cadillac, Why do you expect free sunshine?'"
Angry Libertarian Kid: "BAAAAAAWWW YOUR A STUPID SOCIALIST!!!11!!!!1!!"