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Sen. Joe Lieberman predictably thinks TSA groping female airline passengers is essential

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seafan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 12:51 PM
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Sen. Joe Lieberman predictably thinks TSA groping female airline passengers is essential
Run time: 02:24
Posted on YouTube: November 15, 2010
By YouTube Member: FiredoglakeTV
Views on YouTube: 83
Posted on DU: November 16, 2010
By DU Member: seafan
Views on DU: 985
These invasive techniques have particularly bad implications for breast cancer survivors, as Andrea Mitchell points out in this video.

(Hat tip to FDL for the link)

Chertoff is behind all of this. In February, 2005 he became DHS head., May 24, 2005

Chertoff has pushed for invasive strip-search scanning of airline passengers since 2005.

Chertoff Seeks Full-Body Scanners At Airports, NPR, December 29, 2009


SIEGEL: In your current role as a consultant, do you have an interest in body scanners?

Mr. CHERTOFF: You know, I, to be - we consult with all kinds of firms including firms that you manufacture body scanners.

SIEGEL: You do have some interest in...

Mr. CHERTOFF: Correct. That's correct.

SIEGEL: more sales of body scanners.


Airport strip scanners: A *chalk outline*? Not bloody likely., March 12, 2009

TSA Promises Privacy For Subjects Of Clothing-Penetrating Scans, October 11, 2007

Report Says TSA Violated Privacy Law, December 22, 2006

Secure Flight, the U.S. government's stalled program to screen domestic air passengers against terrorism watch lists, violated federal law during a crucial test phase, according to a report to be issued today by the Homeland Security Department's privacy office.

The agency found that by gathering passenger data from commercial brokers in 2004 without notifying the passengers, the program violated a 1974 Privacy Act requirement that the public be made aware of any changes in a federal program that affects the privacy of U.S. citizens. "As ultimately implemented, the commercial data test conducted in connection with the Secure Flight program testing did not match public announcements," the report states.

The finding marks the first time that the Homeland Security Department has acknowledged that the problem-plagued Secure Flight program has violated the law. It comes at a time when a separate program to screen international passengers is under attack for officials' failure to disclose until recently that they were creating passenger profiles that would be stored for 40 years.


"The fact that EagleForce had access to the commercial data did not create a firewall," the report says, because under the Privacy Act, in effect, "EagleForce stands in the shoes of TSA."

Moreover, commercial databases provided Eagle Force with data for some individuals who were not air passengers. These people were never notified -- a violation of the privacy act, the report says.

How about utilizing explosives-sniffing dogs; checking/scanning every piece of baggage in the plane's hold; matching names on the watchlists; using conventional scanning techniques properly; proper background checks of airline employees, baggage handlers, etc.;...

But, no, it's more important to agitate people, subject them to humiliation and/or flashbacks of abuse, and to elevate their doses of total body irradiation, leading to increased cancer risks.

Oh, and to keep lots of money flowing into Michael Chertoff's pockets. Among others.

But, intelligence is a rare commodity these days.

We have had enough, Mr. President. The time for talk is done. What we want now is action.

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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 01:03 PM
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1. I saw a local news report last night that TSA agents are asking people , DO YOU HAVE ANY IMPLANTS
well for the tens of thousands of Women Who have had breast cancer and have implants now , that is beyond what my mind can wrap around. Now they must declare their implants where anyone can hear it, at the freaking Airport!!

I just returned from shoes come off through security..and the security is a breeze.

Only Americans take their shoes off in security internationally..because we have been programed like sheep..

what else can we or will we be programed for????????
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soryang Donating Member (642 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 02:44 PM
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2. Body scanner CEO invited by Whitehouse to go to India
We know where the white house stands on this. Uproar at home. Scanners funded with stimulus money. Scanner CEO invited to acccompany White House delegation to India.
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herbm Donating Member (980 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 02:53 PM
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3. Senator: You talk like this because you'll never face a patdown. Wanting to pat down and be patted
down is no reason to subject the rest of us to it. Get your jollies the time honored DC method that everyone else uses, pay for it or seduce a page. And then step down in shame.
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Boudica the Lyoness Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 03:09 PM
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4. "Come on everybody.....
lets gets into these cattle cars and not makes a fuss..I'm sure it's for our own good".
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JJW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 03:49 PM
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5. Body Orfice Inspection
Just a matter of time, until some terrorist tries to hide a bomb in one of his/her body orifices. And then what will Joe think is a reasonable search?

Can't they narrow the search somewhat. My 86 year old grandma was body patted down for heavens sake. It almost killed her, she was so frightened.
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