Not a journeyman plumber. And we lived hand to mouth. Granted, this was in the 70s; my Mom was a homemaker and there were six of us. And yes, he had his own business in Stockdale, Tx. He was the only plumber in town. When we moved away, he was still self-employed and my brother and nephews took over. Now, as master plumbers, my nephew and his wife brought in almost $120,000 this year. But, they made $68,000 in a three month period from one contract. The jobs are sporadic. The year before that, they made $45,000 and my sister-in-law had to take in baby-sitting. Their health insurance is horrendous because my sister-in-law is a brittle diabetic and will probably get kicked off it anyway. You have to bid for contracts if you're self-employed and if you're employed, you've got a steadier income and benefits, but with the economy in the toilet, plumbing companies are laying off employees all over. Michelle Bachmann is a moonbat of the highest caliber. I don't know anyone who made it rich as a plumber unless he was digging a sewer line and hit oil.