Yet the unwashed nitwits will still vote for the republi'cons' again and again. Here we are only weeks since the election where voters foolishly threw their voices and their votes in the trash and flooding the congress with a collection of the stupidest crop of Teabagging Nitwits as ever to wash up on the beach. Just incredible. The same idiots who raved and bemoaned the problems we are facing today after 8 years of neglect by the Republi'con' party itself, we find the publics memory already turning to mush. We have the GOP enmasse, mind you, slamming workers on "Fair Pay". The fascist states around the world would love to have the SIMPLETONS from the American Reich as their supporters who would willingly hand them the whip, the shackles and sing their praises for all they do to harm the worker, the family, the fabric of society and our culture. What has happened to REASON?
We all know they exist. They exist in our own family, within our extended family of friends and work associates and in our churches. They are like cancer spores, they've infected every aspect of life and see no harm visiting HARM on everyone else. Young marrieds raising families are being stretched to the limits and finding surviving in their homes and making do with both husband and wife holding down jobs an existence like the hamster in a tread mill. Then you'll find themdoing what they did a few weeks ago, either not vote at all or find that all their heartache of maintaining a stable family and working like immigrants for less buying power not as important as the idiocy from the Reichland shouting 9/11, FEAR, Socialism, Healthcare even though their employers may not be prepared to offer it unless severely reduced or not at all, the wars on 2 fronts having killed upwards of 4500 of our children in uniform and horribly maiming and hideously disfiguring another 35,000 or more gets a back seat because the dead and injured don't affect them, further they died for them to keep them free to be swilled by the GOP with FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, 9/11, 9/11. 9/11, TEABAGGERS may be stupid but the mean well they'll say and then confused in the voting booth they do the run of the herd over the cliff following the loudest louts and sloganeering from mentally deficient Rightwingers holding up illiterate signs with green teeth and a foul breath bleat about Democrats being Evil Incarnate when the entire world knows DEMOCRATS HAVE ALWAYS DONE THE HEAVY LIFTING FOR AMERICA AND REPUBLICONS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN STANDING BY CRITICISING, OBSTRUCTING, & GUMMING UP THE WORKS. Look at their quest to dismantle healthcare, social security, medicare/medicaid, unions, pensions, fair pay, unemployment benefits, ad infinitum