And that most such attacks are against "Moslem Minority Groups". What is NOT stated is the name of the Minority Group. The largest single Minority Moslem group is the Shiites. The Shiites dominate Iran and Southeast Iraq. They are the dominate group in the rest of the Persian Gulf, through the rest of the Persian Gulf are ruled by Sunni (Who are in turn tied in with the House of Saud, either directly in the form of Saudi Arabia or Indirectly via the other Emirates in the Gulf (Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates).
Saudi Arabia also finance most of the Mosques in Pakistan, AND the House of Saud has long been allied with the most radical wing of the Sunni Branch of Islam, which is extremely anti-Shiite.
In my opinion, this Christian Family, is caught up in a growing movement within Pakistan (Funded by the House of Saud) to drive out the Shiites and thus any influence Iran may have in Pakistan. The Christians are to small a minority to be subject to much fear in Pakistan, but the fact that Iran has a more tolerate view of Christianity then the House of Saud, makes Christians a potential ally to the Shiites and thus to Iran (Iran's Constitution requires at least one Christian to be a member of its Parliament). Now Iran is not the most tolerate of Countries, but it is heads and feet above Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
My point is this is an example of a third party (This Christian Family) being caught up in a political fight between Iran (via it being Shiite) and the House of Saud (via it being Sunni) then anything more. Such a Political fight is enough to get people killed not religion.
Remember throughout history when people kill people over religion it is rarely if ever over religion. Religion disputes are substitutes or mechanism of something political going on. The Arab Conquest was the product of Mohammad uniting Arabia for the First time ever at a time Iran had been Destroyed by Constantinople. At the same time, the Eastern Roman Empire was in disarray. Till the Fall of the Western Roman Empire c 450, the empire consisted of three groups, the Latin half (Italy and what is not call Tunisia west), which contained about 40% of the population. The Greek Third (What is now Yugoslavia through Greece and ending in Syria) and the Egyptian Third, which was from Syria to Libya. These three groups worked together for each could always combine with one of the other groups and get what they wanted. With the Collapse of the West (more do to Greed by the Roman Elite but that is another Story), the East was left with two very equal sides, both unable to defeat the other within the Empire, but also unable to be defeated. Given the Roman tendency to smash any military opposition, Religion became the means of both sides to show who they were not only to each other but to follow members of both groups. Thus the Two Centuries of division over the nature of Christ. The Western Church kept asking what are you two arguing about, lets fight to drive out the Barbarians who are ruling the Western Empire. On the other hand both sides of the argument in the East refused to compromise, declaring the other side heretics. On the surface this appears to be a fight over Religion, but once you look into who was supporting whom, it was a fight over who was to control the Eastern Empire, the Greeks or the Egyptians? Religion was just the Excuse not the reason for the fight.
Another example is the Protestant Reformation being more a take over of Europe by the Raising Upper Middle Class of Europe from the land owning Nobility and peasants of the Middle Ages. Real Theological arguments were made on both sides, but no one was going to kill anyone over those arguments UNTIL the Knights and Kings saw the dispute as a way to take over Church land and give it to their followers. Actual fighting did not occur for almost 100 years (if we ignore the Peasant war, which the Lutherans put down as even to radical for them), till the time when the Catholics were winning convents BACK from Protestantism. Many of the people whose land had been taken from the Church (Without compensation i.e. Stolen) feared that if the area they lived in returned to be Catholic, they could lose their land. It was this fear of lost of land that drove Germany into the 30 year war and England into The English Civil War.
The Crusades another example of Religion being cover for something else, in the case of the Crusades it provided cover for the outburst of Western Europe into being the Center of Western World (Historically the Western World is made up of all of Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, i.e. Iceland to Morocco to Baghdad to Moscow, later on the USA and Latin America). This was the first Military movement out of the West into the East since Emperor Theodosius move East after the Roman Defeat at Adrianople c378 (Yes, I know Charlemagne did move into Saxony and Poland c 800, but he stayed out of the Balkans and Greece as while as Asia and North Africa thus Theodosius was the last person to move an army from Western Europe to Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean till the First Crusades). Religion was the excuse for the Crusade, but that both Greece and the Arab Empire were weak and thus were a fruit ready to pick was the main reason the Crusades occurred). Thus the Crusades were more the result of Western Europe replacing Greece and Iraq as the center of the Western World then anything to do with Religion (Greece had been the center of Europe from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire C450 AD till the Arab Conquest c700, Greece shared that honor after the Arab Conquest with Baghdad which the second center after c700 AD. This dual center died in 1204 when the Fourth Crusade, the only Crusade condemned by the Pope, took Constantinople in 1204 and the last stakes were put into it with the Mongol Conquest of Baghdad in 1258). Notice the start of the Crusades was NOT religious except in name and the ending of the Crusades had even less to do with religion except in name (The Fourth Crusade took its loot back home to Western Europe, the Mongols took their loot back to Mongolia, both continued their attacks on the Moslems but with the above two cities destroyed they was nothing else to rob (and both quickly found out it was easier to rob people nearer to their home then the Middle east). Thus the Crusades slowly died out reinforced by the Turks and the Greeks working together hand in hand against both Western Europe and the Mongols in the form of the Ottoman Empire (Which fell when the Sultans forgot that it was a Greek-Turkish empire, not a Moslem Empire. The Divorce was slow, starting in the 1600s, but like many divorces became bitter as one side saw the other side was taking everything and giving them nothing, thus as the Greeks were slowly removed from the power structure within the Empire, the Greeks saw they had to break with the Turks and that break became bitter and stays bitter to this day).
Just comments that this "crime" is more Political then Religious, it appears religious but someone wants the family property AND they want to show they are loyal to the present regime by forcing out anyone who may be an enemy of that state (In the Case of Pakistan, the rule by the Sunni Elite backed by the House of Saud).