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Al Sharpton: Time For FCC To CENSOR RUSH Limbaugh's Speech

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Segami Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 01:05 PM
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Al Sharpton: Time For FCC To CENSOR RUSH Limbaugh's Speech
Run time: 01:28
Posted on YouTube: November 23, 2010
By YouTube Member: radioequalizer
Views on YouTube: 111
Posted on DU: November 23, 2010
By DU Member: Segami
Views on DU: 1194
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abelenkpe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 01:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. yep. nt
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tempelton Donating Member (35 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 02:14 PM
Response to Original message
2. I give up on American "liberals"...
Edited on Tue Nov-23-10 02:16 PM by tempelton
I sincerely give up. You don't get it. You probably never did.

America is a write off in my book. If even the so-called 'left' - the only force that could really steer America towards a rational and humane future - wants to silence those they disagree with (and I've seen this a lot of late), then there is nothing more to say. Nothing more than is permitted.

I realize you may not all support Sharpton's words. Unfortunately, however, it is clear that enough of you are confused enough to do so. In my book, that places you squarely on the right. Not in words - but in intended deeds.

America doesn't need less freedom - it needs more. It needs fewer liberals who pretend to respect the military and instead more who are proud to oppose it's authoritarian structures wherever and whenever they find them. It needs fewer worshipers and religiously-minded drones for the Democratic Party, which drops bombs and murders civilians with aplomb through successive administrations. It needs fewer liberals who are afraid to label themselves as such, opting instead for the mealy-mouthed weedy word, "progressive".

And, it needs to defy authority more. Cops out of control, tasering at will. Bosses who push you around like slaves (your 2 weeks vacation and your pathetic maternity leave etc). Politicians who insist you be molested in public so that you're "safe" when flying (while they continue to pursue the foreign policy that makes you a target in the first place!) States that murder inmates with biblical zeal and then shrug when DNA proves their innocence.

Authority has you all by the fucking balls! (Yes, it has my country too - but we're fighting without a false representation of who we are).

And here's your solution - MORE AUTHORITY. More control.

The so-called moderate amongst you by think I am calling for anarchy (and in a political discourse capacity, you'd be right), but what I am truly getting at here is the underlying obedience that Americans demonstrate to authority time and time again. Sadly, liberals are clearly very far from being immune.

Give ANY form of authority control over your speech and you will soon find yourself on the receiving end of their subjective interpretation of how much YOU apparently hate America. Think it won't happen? Check it out when the next Republican administration comes into place. If you still insist it won't happen, then history truly has taught American liberals nothing.

If you want to change America - fight PROUDLY as a liberal and left-winger to change the underlying structure and culture to something better. IF, as Sharpton desires, you instead seek a solution from authority, you will get fooled again.


A real left-wing European socialist
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JoeyT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 02:29 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Well that's interesting.
Fining or shutting down radio stations and shows for profanity and violations of decency are basically what the FCC is actually for. They do both on a pretty regular basis, while granting people like Limbaugh a pass because they're right wingers. By which I mean the FCC already HAS that authority. No one has a constitutional right to a radio show on the public airwaves, so it doesn't violate the first amendment either.

Basically what Sharpton is demanding is that the FCC enforce their bullshit rules equally, which will never actually happen. Words like "Shit" or "Fuck" will get you a fine (or shut down if you've done it enough) while racial, gender, and sexual orientation slurs are perfectly ok. Hell outright calling for violence against groups is ok as long as it's whatever group the right happens to hate this week.

Personally I'd be perfectly ok with the FCC fucking off and dying somewhere, but if they're going to exert authority over the airwaves, I want the authoritarians (Like Limbaugh) to eat it in equal measure to everyone else. Maybe it'll make them worship authority a little less, though I won't hold my breath.
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civilisation Donating Member (456 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 02:48 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. There is a big difference between 'free speech' and 'hate speech'.
As an anarcho-socialist myself, I can see where you are coming from,. however the people need not let any hate fueled slander be spread over public airwaves,. you see, the radio bandwidth is limited and is already controlled and licensed by a regulatory body. If Rush or any other dimwitted hatemonger is spouting racist, classist, fear-inducing, hate inciting crap then perhaps they should lose the privilege of the use of the public airwaves, freeing it up for someone else. Have you listened to some of the right-wing American taliban propaganda that is broadcast daily?? Much of this I would categorize at hate speech and fine and then remove. The problem is, as always, that when the government is corrupted (as is the case now, big time!) ppl see government authority as the evil,. however the people will always have a collective 'will' and however it is realized, it will enforce some limits on what is acceptable in general,. I know it is a endless loop of control begetting corruption,. that leads to the losing of faith in the collective,. but what else is there? Anyway I agree with much of what you say, however it is just not to cut and dry.
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madriver Donating Member (29 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 03:41 PM
Response to Reply #2
7. Sorry but you're the one who doesn't get it...
America is the ONLY country in the history of humanity designed to do one thing and one thing only: to
try to mitigate the worst aspects of human nature: greed and hatred mainly.

The founders knew that most humans, given the chance, will become pricks addicted to power and money.

The problem is America has now been overrun with (mostly) right-wing corporate locusts, devouring all sense of justice and
propriety in the name of money.

The fight in America is no longer about old-school values like "liberal" and "conservative", because both have either
sold out long ago or allowed themselves to be co-opted by money.

The war we fight is simply for humanity vs. slavery. You let bastards like Rush and Beck define your world, and you are
a slave to fascism already. Fighting back with any tool available, however weak (i.e., the FCC) is preferable, although
certainly not perfect.

Wanna spew racist, hateful things in America? Fine. Just don't do it on the public airwaves. Problem is, the right wants it
both ways and have so muddied the waters that even intelligent people like you fall for it: fire Juan Williams and Repubs call for the dismantling of NPR. Silence. Al Sharpton calls for enforcement or clarification of the rules, and suddenly he's a fascist.

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florida08 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 05:31 PM
Response to Reply #2
8. don't mean to pile on
But you're don't seem to be aware that we're losing the information war. Half of this country doesn't vote..and a recent Pew Poll reported that almost half didn't know the GOP just won the house. They knew they won something though. Hate speech is protected. I know you're aware of the Westboro Church and God hates fags and thank God for dead soldiers crowd. How'd you like to see them at your loved ones funeral while you're trying to grieve?

There is plenty of free speech going on and it's mostly negative. Fox has a huge following getting their daily dose of hate Obama, hate democrats. This is how we got the teabaggers. You have the religious right doing their part to help them out.

Whenever anyone tries to stand up to these wingnuts they're shouted down, called derogative names or haters of America. Shirley Sherrod and Acorn still sting..and they were innocent but does anyone care? Just us it seems.

I like your passion but you have to see the whole picture. This isn't the 60's. No broadcast network draws the numbers Fox does. Why do think that is? I don't want to silence dissent but the rhetoric definately needs to be toned down sevearal notches..but that would lose some audiences wouldn't it? Courts have ruled the media can legally lie.

If we can't hold them accountable for incendiary propaganda we just might as well give up the fight. America isn't tuned in and I'm tired of our hands constanting being tied and free speech abused for a yacht and mercedes.

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DemocraticPilgrim Donating Member (472 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 02:33 PM
Response to Original message
4. Sounds right to me . If cussing is bad what he foes is way over the line.
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molly77 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 03:41 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Pat Robertson called for taking out Hugo Chavez.
A much more democratically elected leader than ours ....with the US defunct election system. What if a well known Venezuelan minister had done that re. say g bush. It would have been a good reason to bomb the entire country.

Al Sharpton is right . Hate speech does not belong on a democratic country's airways. But WE are fascist. It does belong in a fascist country.
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davidinalameda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 05:51 PM
Response to Original message
9. there's that pesky little thing called the First Amendment
wonder if some of you all have heard of it?
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