Issue that has "slid off" of the Nationally short attention span, largely because its been removed from the "Front pages" by "More important" stuff (Like some talk show host giving away a slew of cars, and which Politician's kid can or cannot dance on network TV.) I'll just give you one more:
Haiti and cholera
As soon as those cameras get turned off, and a "do nothing" President, together with a spineless Congress can "Move on" to their next big "Issue" or photo-op filled overseas trip, the people who STILL need the most help get swept under the National "Carpet", and all is well that "ends" well, right?
Have you ever stopped to think how much this sort of "behavior" on the part of "The most powerful Nation on Earth" (and all that other jingoistic bull pucky) gives a never ending supply of "Ammunition" to the people who don't like the United States, and have a much easier time proving their "case" to peoples around the world who are trying to decide which side of the "Pro" or "Anti" American fence to come down on?
There is no real reason that The US can't do more within it's own borders, and within it's own hemisphere, to help the people who have the least, need the most, and are the poorest.
Each and every time the United States Government and it's people plays "duck, dodge, and hide" on occasions like this, we as a people miss out on a jim dandy chance to show off what is best about who the American people really are (if not the government they elect)The American people ought to be "open the window and shout" as mad as hell about it, because once again, they have let their "Leaders" wriggle off the hook, and not do their jobs. That job is to represent the American people to our own people and to the world in the best possible way, using all that we have to help those in need, That's the real American Spirit, and to see "America" wimp out" on it again, just make s me sick. But Not as sick as:
The 9-11 first responders Katrina Victims Gulf oil spill cleanup workers or Anyone, anywhere in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti tonight might be.
Good Job, America, and you all wonder why it is that everyone, everywhere doesn't "Love" the good old USA