Run time: 05:31
Posted on YouTube: November 27, 2010
By YouTube Member: WeirdLiberalHead
Views on YouTube: 0
Posted on DU: November 27, 2010
By DU Member: Weird Liberal Head
Views on DU: 295 |
Weird Liberal Head reports the news of the day, and calls on all eligible young Leftists to join the Weird Head Revolution.
The Weird Head Revolution is basically an alliance of young Youtube Leftists I've managed to cobble together... it is small but growing.
We are forming because we want the Left to RISE, we want LIBERAL REFORM, and we want to start WINNING ELECTIONS. If these seem like worthy goals to you, then join the Weird Head Revolution, or find someone who wants to.
(Sorry about the 20's or younger rule... right now, that rule is a flexible one, if you are in your young 30's... but if you're too old to join but you want to help us out, please find someone young and Leftist to join our Revolution!
Liberals unite!
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