Run time: 05:12
Posted on YouTube: November 26, 2010
By YouTube Member: MidweekPolitics
Views on YouTube: 361
Posted on DU: November 30, 2010
By DU Member: celtics23
Views on DU: 471 | From: www.davidpakman.com | Subscription: www.davidpakman.com/membership | YouTube: www.youtube.com/midweekpolitics Before we go to break, let's talk about George W. Bush. Remember, Louis, when we heard from George W. Bush about the fetus in a jar, not the Metallica song, "Whiskey in the Jar," which was originally, actually that's a cover, it's not Metallica, I forget who originally did that song. Fetus in the jar was the George W. Bush story about how his anti-abortion mindset originally started. And the story was bizarre when we first heard it, and I'll actually just play it back for you, just to refresh your memory. This is from the Matt Lauer interview, take a look.
Matt Lauer: ... stories about his family that he's never told before.
And one of them is a poignant story you tell about your mom, about your mom having a miscarriage when you were just a teenager.
George W. Bush: Yeah.
Lauer: And you were the one who drove her to the hospital, and you write, quote, "I never expected to see the remains of the fetus, which she had saved in a jar to bring to the hospital. There was a human life, a little brother or sister." You and she had never talked publicly about this story until she gave you permission...
Bush: Right.
Lauer: To write about it in this book.
Bush: And that's why you're asking me, because had my mother said, "Son, I don't want you talking about it," it wouldn't have been in the book. I put this story in the book as a part of the tale, I thought it was very important for people to understand my relationship with my mom.
Lauer: What'd you learn about her through that experience?
David: All right. So when Matt Lauer says that they hadn't really ever talked about it, apparently he's right, because Bush didn't even get the story right. It turns out according to Barbara Bush, the story's not even true. She said, 'You know what?' It actually... it wasn't me, I didn't put any fetus in any jar. It was the maid who did it. And what's even more fascinating is that Barbara Bush, for her part, has stated that she believes abortion is a personal matter, and her friends have actually said Barbara Bush is actually in favor of a woman's right to choose.
So maybe you're thinking, "Really, Barbara? You have to blame the maid on this one? Come on." But in all seriousness, how could George W. Bush get this one wrong? He said during the interview that he asked his mom about including this story. He checked with her specifically about this story, and he published something that was wrong. I mean, come on, George, it's bad enough to rewrite American history, but your own family history, you have to rewrite that too? On the other hand, at least he's consistent, Louis. He wasn't up-front about weapons of mass destruction either. So maybe fetus in a jar is not a big deal.
Louis: Fetus in a jar, not as big a deal as WMDs, certainly.
David: Interesting.
Louis: But I think he's always had a problem getting his story straight.
David: That seems to be the case for sure. And pressure, by the way, is rising as a result of some of these interviews Bush did on Obama to investigate Bush for torture. He admitted to having ordered waterboarding, of course. The ACLU, Amnesty International, Representative Jerry Nadler, Democrat from New York, are all calling on the Obama administration to launch an investigation. Now, you know what, I actually am skeptical that anything will happen. The administration has already indicated they're not going to look at any criminal actions by the... or within the previous administration, but knowing the habits of this administration, I wouldn't be surprised if they were to go forward with an investigation if they did it at the exact most politically inconvenient time, the time when actually going forward with an investigation they already said they're not going to do, at a time when it will only hurt Democratic politicians' chances of being reelected. Is that out of line, Louis? I mean, really, the Obama administration has had some poor timing on a lot of these initiatives, so to speak.
Louis: I don't think it's an important issue at any time. I think it's over and done with. Obviously they need to focus on 2012 and more important things.
David: So Louis agreeing on a forward-looking strategy? The best scenario here, find a way, somehow, to get this investigation to be a Republican-led thing. Find a couple Republicans who actually have the testicular fortitude, Louis, to proceed with such an investigation.
Today on the bonus show, by the way, we will be talking more about George W. Bush and specifically we'll talk about the two biggest lies that he tells in his memoir. So let's go to break, we'll talk to Wayne Besen next, and remember, the iPad is being given away today. www.DavidPakman.com, stay with us.
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