I went into the rabbit hole as a liberal / progressive. I went much deeper than Alex, to the folks who think HE is part of the NWO or whatever. Yes, there are elements of truth that deep. But what lacked universally was solutions. One day watching a Frank Factor video, Frank responded to an email that talked about some 'elite in control of things' and his response was 'no f***ing kidding'. It was sort of an epiphany of what I already knew. The left KNOWS of the work done by those who are not as easily seen, who work covertly for the 'elite'. The left has the ultimate solutions. Dennis Kucinich saying how the market/system in the US and elsewhere moves wealth 'up the pyramid' is his nod toward those things. He gets it, he knows. But he also knows what has to be done to stop it. He points out how insurers, banks, the military industrial complex, etc., take money from the many (ie. bottom 99%) and move it to the few (the top 1%, .01% especially).
But try to explain that to a fan of the conspiracy theory, anti-NWO movement, and they'll often miss that. They just keep attacking the puppet (government, controlled by corporate lobbyist bribes) and NOT the 'hidden hand' that is very real. But as Thom Hartmann once pointed out to Alex, in a very respectful discussion, the NWO plot is for the most part NOT hidden. It's in plain sight. The Federal Reserve giving trillions in low interest loans to big financial firms, that can use that money in the casino that crashed our economy (and will again, since the weak reforms did not do enough). But it's amazing, while Alex seemed to get what Thom said and agreed, many followers of 'Alex-lite' (Beck, Faux, etc.) just don't buy that. They are convinced it's 'liberals that think they know what's best for us' in govt. at the root of everything. The whole Tea Party movement trotted out to get folks running in the wrong direction. To take any action to change the tide of upward wealth movement by market socialism, and corporate liberalism/libertarianism, and call it 'socialism'. To have Faux News say it is 'punishing success'.
The plan works, the sheeple fall for it. The Fox is in the hen house, the hens don't know any better. They keep blaming the government which is at best a complicit puppet, and not those at work behind the scenes. No, they're not reptiles or aliens, they are the corporate elite. A very real sociopathic group that cares about profit first. Greed is the root of all evil. I try to explain that one trillion a year shifts from the bottom 99% to the top 1%, since about 1980. The self-interested who are invested in the status quo or ignorant blurt out how 'they earned it'. No. The predatory lending, the selling of garbage people don't need. The credit extensions that put the masses in debt. The way credit replaced income since about 1980, so people still bought as much stuff without the money to do so, saving less, struggling more. How Bush would brag 'productivity is up' while those imbeciles danced around with glee, ignorant that it meant they were working more for the same or less pay. And they did, the average worker makes less and less, inflation adjusted.
Profits going up (owners, investors, upper management only) and not shared with the workers. That's so pre-1980's unionist! We don't do that now! That's how you slowly get rid of the middle class, pushing them into a massive working poor, that makes too much to qualify for any help (that they constantly cut back), and not enough to do anything but work and pay bills to barely hang on. Too tired to protest, those with time on their hands are lead the wrong way by Fox News and corporate media. Eating food with Monsanto, Dow, and other chemicals in it, so they can get cancer and need drugs made by the same chemical companies, quite often, that have side effects that include: cancer. Sedentary, they let Fox News think for them, and Dancing With The Stars is the only exercise they get as they live vicariously through it. THAT is what we must fear. It's been a slow go on the downward spiral, but it's picked up the pace recently. We've never been a more profitable society to the very few, and never had more thinking we are the opposite (becoming socialized).
They still believe what Sarah Palin tells them, that the 'elite' are coffee-drinking, well-educated liberals, and NOT the financial and corporate elite that really call the shots. Press folks like Alex Jones and they'll say 'yeah', and admit the corporate role. But then on the next broadcast, it's right back to how 'big government' will harm us. I've heard it all, I've heard right-wing idiots say regulation caused the banker's carelessness that crashed the economy. That regulations caused the BP oil spill. Again, just say the opposite long enough, and you'll have enough fooled to toe that line too. This is my one quest, to find a way to bridge that gap. To find a way to get the 'angry' to be angry about the correct thing. NOT a too-little, too-late effort by the prez and others supposedly on the left to fix things, but how we are screwed by the market socialism. That's what it is, and I'm patenting that phrase today. In their worry of a 'government big brother', they empower the few elite 'big brothers'. Wake those people up. Keep up the good work.