Run time: 02:03
Posted on YouTube: January 06, 2011
By YouTube Member: greenman3610
Views on YouTube: 171
Posted on DU: January 06, 2011
By DU Member: greenman3610
Views on DU: 655 |
Climate deniers like to claim that cold weather over eastern north america and eurasia somehow contradicts a warming planet.
In fact, scientists are now observing what may become a more frequent pattern, caused by declining northern sea ice - of frigid polar air being pushed out of the arctic regions, while warmer air is drawn to northern areas.
The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric administration makes available graphic temperature anomaly readings for the northern hemisphere on it's website.
Observations since November 2010 confirm the pattern of extreme cold temperatures in usually temperate zones, as well as a relative heat wave in the arctic.
Note especially the red hotspot over Hudson bay, northern canada, and greenland.
2010 was globally, the warmest meteorological year on record.
As temperatures rise beyond any that have been seen many millennia, human beings may have to adjust to conditions unprecedented since civilization began….