Who cares if the Bill Daleys of this administration will "look you in the eye" and "tell you where they stand" while they're moving full steam ahead to doing the wrong things as pertains to actual policy implementation. Some effect Bill Daley's supposed straightforwardness had on mitigating the destructive effects of NAFTA as jobs fled the country because Bill Daley looked people in the eye as he was championing it.
Moreover, apparently Bill Daley is as dumb as a stump because he thinks (or at least says; he's probably smart enough not to actually think it) that the health care plan that his boss openly states was modeled after Mitt Romney and Bob Dole's Republican health care plans was the wrong thing to do because it was "left" instead of being "center-left" - not that it was wrong because it didn't address the root problem of for-profit health insurance and simply extended corporate welfare for the parasitic private health insurance industry without any government-controlled alternative, like all other developed contries have which all have drastically lower health care costs.
There are objective, provable truths backed up by evidence in the world. They do not go away, nor does the need to address them, simply because the sensible centrist bipartisan political concensus in Washington, subscribed to by Barack Obama, Robert Gibbs, Peter Orszag, Rahm Emanuel, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin, Bill Daley, David Axelrod, etc. etc. prefer not to acknowledge them so as not to cause a fuss. And they do not go away because you fucked up for 2 years when your job was easier. And they do not go away because the new crew is being more polite to the people who they ignore, who support addressing these objective, provable truths that exist. And they do not go away because you prefer to sit safely in an isolation chamber in the White House for 2 years while Senators that you have the power to influence as President take the opportunity to gut the stimulus, health care, or financial reform bills of substance that would actually address the objective truths.
It's been 2 years of watching the Rahm Emanuels, Tim Geithners, Robert Rubins, and Larry Summers of this administration do exactly what liberals were both saying and expecting them to do, with predictably (and predicted) disastrous policy and political results. Some people were saying "give them a chance" when the President "tapped" them too despite the voluminous evidence of their track records and tendencies, and the objective and provable bankruptcy of the policies they were proposing. Whether people "gave" them a chance or not (doesn't the President give them a chance? Seems the hiring manager is the guy that gives new hires a chance, not the customers who have no say in the matter) they had a chance and did fuck all with it. They told their customers (figuratively and in some cases literally - see Rahm) to fuck off. But Bill Daley, fresh off his stint on Wall Street, is going to break the trend?
Or maybe the thought among the White House geniuses is that the Chamber of Commerce and Republicans, who by the way applaud Bill Daley's selection, will go to bat for Obama in 2012 and reciprocate his legislative olive branches for doing the things they like. I'd suggest the universal opposition of the past two years followed by the election results a couple months ago demonstrates that such a strategy is stupid on both a policy and political level, but then I'm not a highly paid six-figure Democratic political consultant who is far wiser than me and discounts such evidence. So far this crew's political strategy has been as successful as their policy strategy though (which is to say, ridiculous) so they may want to consider trying something else one of these days. It wouldn't deliver them such pitifully awful policy results (which matter to me) or political results (which matter to them, but would matter to me if they weren't targeting Social Security, entrenching the bloodsucking private health insurance industry as the basis of the system, and tripling troops in an unwinnable war in Afghanistan - not even Bush did that shit.) The definition of insanity and all that.