I think it's been pretty well established at this point that Loughner was targeting Giffords. Certainly he was unhinged but his lunacy found fertile soil in the anti government rhetoric of the American right. The GOP would be a permanent minority without a well motivated(read - frightened)lunatic fringe, or 'the 20%' as I like to call them. They've got to keep feeding the crazies in order to stay in power. Toning down the rhetoric would be disastrous for them. So they need dutiful little water carriers like Lauer to make sure we all think there isn't a connection between the incendiary rhetoric and deeds of the unhinged fringe. The MSM has to white wash over his political motivations, or making him equally lefty. They're trying both to see what sticks. Isn't it interesting how many times John Hinkleys name has popped up in the passed two days after 30 years? Take note of it. What was truly sad in this piece was how Farley played right in to the false equivalence of left and right rhetoric. Spineless. Our anger springs from our opposition to illegal wars, black sights, torture, employment of mercenaries, assassination squads, seeding the justice dept. with political ideologues, using the military as a civilian police force, extralegal everything, perpetuation of a oligarchy, shipping jobs overseas, ushering in a police state and feeding the military industrial complex.. etc, etc, etc. If you can't find the spine to say that giving people health insurance, jobs, education, infrastructure and rule of law is a morally superior position, you have no moral compass. Move on, you're not fit to enter the debate. Find your voice progressives. This should be a cake walk!!