Run time: 05:10
Posted on YouTube: January 14, 2011
By YouTube Member: NakedEmperorNews1
Views on YouTube: 15142
Posted on DU: January 24, 2011
By DU Member: TheBigotBasher
Views on DU: 271 |
Maybe. Maybe not, but Thom Hartman sure gives us some food for thought about stochastic terrorism. Never heard this term? It's been around for a while, but isn't commonly used.

April 7, 2010—Gregory Lee Giusti, 48, of San Francisco, California, is arrested for making threatening phone calls to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Giusti allegedly called Pelosi dozens of times, recited her home address, and told her that if she wanted to see it again, she should drop her support for health care reform legislation. Giusti had
a “history of mental health problems” and his mother indicated he was influenced by
“Fox News and all of those that are really radical.”June 9, 2010—Addressing the Obama administration and the Democratic-controlled Congress, FOX commentator Glenn Beck says,
“Shoot me in the head if you try to change our government—I will stand against you. And so will millions of others.” Beck also compares American Progressives to Osama bin Laden and claims
“they want to overthrow our entire system of government.”From my co-blogger at
Cons-LieJuly 3, 2010—Joyce Kaufman, a conservative radio hosts on WFTL in Florida, tells a crowd of supporters at a Fort Lauderdale Tea Party event,
“I am convinced that the most important thing the Founding Fathers did to ensure me my First Amendments rights was they gave me a Second Amendment. And if ballots don’t work, bullets will. This is the standoff. When I say I’ll put my microphone down on November 2nd if we haven’t achieved substantial victory, I mean it. Because if at that point I’m going to up into the hills of Kentucky, I’m going to go out into the Midwest, I’m going to go up in the Vermont and New Hampshire outreaches and I’m going to gather together men and women who understand that some things are worth fighting for and some things are worth dying for.”You know, it's a damn shame that no one (including Jared Loughner, Glenn Beck, Timothy McVeigh, Bill O'Reilly or Sarah Palin) lives in a vacuum where the things we say and do don't have an effect on others.