Edited on Fri Jan-28-11 08:19 PM by rexcat
53+% voted for him in the general election and that to me seems to be a majority. I live in SW Ohio and am surrounded by conservatives, about 75% of the population down here, and are hard core. When they talk politics you can bet their talking points are coming from Hanni ty, Beck and Limbaugh. There is no political balance here.
I work as a polling judge in Warren County, Ohio. The comments these people make at the polling table when they sign in is unbelievable. We, both the Democratic Party and Republican Party poll workers, have to tell them not to talk politics in the polling area. It is a chronic problem since I started working the polls in 2004.
If you want to defend these idiots that is your prerogative but at least give examples of why they are not idiots and then we can have a discussion on the merits. I have gotten to the point not to talk politics with them because I am tired of being yelled at for having an opposing view. I am always willing to listen to someone with an opposing view because I want to be challenged and I want to critically think about my own viewpoints.
Again, this current Ohio governor is going to be found to be more corrupt than Taft. All one need do is look at his past when he was a Congress critter, then with Lehman Brothers and what he did to Ohioans during his stint at Lehman.
As someone who has lived in Ohio for 35 years (two different stints) I am willing to go out on a limb and say Ohio as it stands, SUCKS. The infrastructure, education, political climate and everything else about this State is falling apart with no hope in sight. I have told my kids that we will pay out of state tuition for college because the future of Ohio is dim.
on edit added the last paragraph