from that interchange, he showed that his IQ is quite limited. I simply don't understand how someone with such a demonstrable lack of higher-order thinking skills could have been elected to Congress.
First of all, at about 1:00 Kingston shows he in fact doesn't understand the difference between climate and weather, which is the question Bill asked, by denying that the world is "getting hotter".
Bill then gets derailed into
defending the "world getting hotter and wetter" idea, the whole concept of "climate vs. weather" having fallen by the wayside.
Has Kingston demonstrated that he knows the difference between climate and weather? NO. And Bill let him slide.
This goes on for awhile, and then that woman sitting next to Kingston USES THE REPUBLICAN FRAME (global
warming) at about 4:23. We should always be saying CLIMATE CHANGE.
She then asks (about 6:25) whether Kingston is concerned that we are creating drug-resistant microbes (to antibiotics). He is clearly out of his element by this time. You can tell. When the woman says that's evolution, he does a little lateral shift and starts talking about creatures coming out of the sea, missing links, and, having given himself time to recoup, "adaptation".
They do this every. time. They change the subject. We need to force them to answer the question asked and not go off on a tangent onto a subject they feel more comfortable with. He's an idiot.
Oh, and here's the difference between evolution and adaptation:
Adaptation refers to the process wherein certain groups or individuals change their ways in order to be better suited to their environment and habitat. This is change is needed so that they can survive and maintain normal functioning in their community. For example, during winters or cold days, individuals learn to alter their homes and personal clothes to be able to live through the chilling temperatures.
Evolution, though, takes a long time. It is a process in which the genetic structure and physical anatomy change in relation to the changes happening in the environment. It does not occur overnight, but invokes generations in order to turn out into the best being suitable. Human beings are indeed an example, as evidenced from our ancestors the Homo erectus, to Homo sapiens, or basically, us. We are the proof of evolution.
In closing, remember this. Individuals can adapt, but it takes a whole population to evolve. You can read further since only basic details are provided.
1. All living things change through time in order to survive in their environment.
2. Adaptation involves short-term changes to suit the habitat and environment.
3. Evolution is a long-term process wherein changes occur in the genetic level for a better functioning and survival as a race.