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Who Really Has the Power, Dems, Reps, or Corporations?

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theFrankFactor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 02:25 PM
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Who Really Has the Power, Dems, Reps, or Corporations?
Run time: 01:09
Posted on YouTube: January 30, 2011
By YouTube Member: TheFrankFactor
Views on YouTube: 1
Posted on DU: January 30, 2011
By DU Member: theFrankFactor
Views on DU: 673

Beck is seen as a kind of Prophet of the Airwaves for unhinged radical rightists. This is a recipe for disaster. But as bad or more so is the entire thrust of Mr. Becks crusade.

He is engaged in a fear mongering campaign glazed over with a phony self-deprecation act that is intended to obscure his vile and paranoiac subtext. A subtext that is also dangerous, damaging, disingenuous and irresponsible.

He proceeds, without impediment by his employers, to weave irresponsible tails of a Communist take over occurring in the United States by an apparent radical Communist movement that is being co-opted by the Democratic party apparatus at its highest levels.

Beck asserts that establishment Democrats have enlisted Communist radicals to aid them in achieving what apparently is a less radical agenda but that those establishment Democrats will be attacked by those same Communist radicals when they fail to deliver fully on their Communist Revolutionary agenda.

This is a clever set up and one that I almost can’t believe Mr. Beck is capable of. But examining the mantra of the Progressive-equals-Communist, Mr. Beck weaves truth with hysteria in much the same way as Alex Jones.

He frequently keeps swastikas in view and uses Leni Riefenstahl style presentations on his show. He titillates with tales of the baby killing Progressives straining at the bit to enact forced abortions, eugenics programs, the confiscation of private property, guns and the end of freedom and the American way.

He seems to pour through wikipedia or conservapedia entries for all of the worst possible associations he can weave into his Liberals cum Progressives cum Communists cum Fascist Gospel. For him Obama is a Communist who hates white people and is bent on destroying America and his disciples should be armed and ready for the Communist melt down.

You have to ask yourself, do you believe there is a powerful Communist movement afoot bent on making the United States over in the image of the USSR or do you think powerful corporations are invested in keeping you from impeding their continued and advanced exploitation of you, America and the World? Do you truly believe Corporations are People? Do you truly believe a Union should be considered a Person? Do you truly believe this ruling by the Supreme Court is protecting your freedom?
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OHdem10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 02:59 PM
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1. At the present, how can anyone doubt which has power--
Corporations of course.
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swilton Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 03:06 PM
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2. If you have to ask the question......
you know the answer.
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theFrankFactor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 03:13 PM
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3. I Don't Think Democrats in General Understand the Futility...
Edited on Sun Jan-30-11 03:14 PM by theFrankFactor
in expecting the DLC to actually represent them.

This nation is skewed so far right that we have a Corporatist President sold as a Communist. And far too many people believe it, Left and Right.
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Enthusiast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 03:22 PM
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4. K&R
You said it all for me.
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90-percent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 04:26 PM
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5. Magnificent!
Very nicely produced messaging!

Frank Zappa spoke of aspects of revolution during the sixties. One of the things he said was that we should turn their weapons against them. Use the prevailing means of communication of those days against "the establishment"


Now, I have a question:

America invented twitter and face book How come we oppressed non elites aren't using it to bring down the corporations and corporate owned politicians like the Tunisians and Egyptians are currently doing, quite effectively, I might add.

Sorry, babbling. Very very nice video. Impressive on many levels. Damn good film making in it's own right.

-90%^ Jimmy
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Weird Liberal Head Donating Member (692 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 05:16 PM
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6. Great video!
Keep 'em coming my friend, we need you, we need the whole Left to RISE and UNITE...
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rhett o rick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 07:08 PM
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7. Corporations, duh! nm
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DeSwiss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 07:50 PM
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8. K&R
Today we use paper proclamations to denote a person's so-called 'rights.' And just like laws, they are culturally biased, artificial concoctions which attempt to solve recurring problems by simply declaring something with words on paper. Rights, in fact, have been invented to protect ourselves from the negative byproducts of the social system itself. And once again instead of seeking a true solution to a problem, we invent these patches by way of paper proclamations in an attempt to resolve them. This does not work. It has never worked. There is really no such thing as an inalienable right outside of the culture in which it is assumed. We are making this up. Therefore liberties need to be inherent in a social system by design not alluded to ambiguously on paper.

In the Bill of Rights of the United States, there is an attempt to secure certain freedoms and protections by way of mere text on paper. Now while I understand the value of this document and the temporal brilliance of it in the context of the period of its creation, that does not excuse the fact that it is a product of social inefficiency and nothing more. In other words, declarations of laws and rights are actually an acknowledgment of the failures of the social design.

There is no such thing as 'rights' - as the reference can be altered at will. The fourth amendment is an attempt to protect against state power abuse, that is clear. But it avoids the real issue, and that is: Why would the state have an interest to search and seize to begin with? How do you remove the mechanisms that generate such behavior? We need to focus on the real cause.

We have to understand that government as we know it today, is not in place for the well being of the public, but rather for the perpetuation of their establishment and their power. Just like every other institution within a monetary system. Government is a monetary invention for the sake of economic and social control and its methods are based upon self-preservation, first and foremost. All a government can really do is to create laws to compensate for an inherent lack of integrity within the social order.

In society today the public is essentially kept distracted and uninformed. This is the way that governments maintain control. If you review history, power is maintained through ignorance. ~">Peter Joseph

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