Run time: 10:51
Posted on YouTube: May 15, 2011
By YouTube Member: MOXNEWSd0tCOM
Views on YouTube: 215
Posted on DU: May 15, 2011
By DU Member: tomm2thumbs
Views on DU: 2281 |
Having declared earlier in the show, "I have never said ANYTHING about President Obama which is racist", David Gregory inquires about Newtie commenting on the President, when he said "What if
is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece this together?" Gregory asks if it is 'ill-informed, or at worst, bigoted?" Of course "Newtie" has no direct answer...
David Gregory confronts Newtie with his own words, having proclaimed 'I'm not a natural leader; more of an intellectual gadfly', and yet he is now running for the Presidency....?
Gregory also picks up on Newtie's sexual indescretions, noting that Gingrich excused himself about it all, saying 'he has matured' - but David notes that at the time of his acts, Gingrich was 55 '- HARDLY a young man.'
The host of Meet the Press also replays video of Newtie's excusing himself for cheating on his wife to Christian Broadcasting, asking 'should people take his statement as an act of contrition -- that you were SO patriotic and SO passionate that you cheated on your wife?'
David also asks about all the incidents of unpaid taxes of his various businesses revealed in a recent report, Newtie saying it has all been resolved, blaming it on the idea that 'stuff largely got lost in the mail'.
He also got Newtie to say there IS NOT a majority right-wing in this country (something I bet his right wing fundies neither want to believe or want to hear) and replays video Bush-era video where he says Reagan's presidency was not an era of pure conservativism and was NOT an era of Camelot -- all disses to his royal highness Ronnie.
Oh poor Newtie, those GOP'ers running against him are going to have lots of ads to run on this little bit of rodentia squirreling around on the Sunday talk show circuit.
Poor thang.