Run time: 08:08
Posted on YouTube: May 27, 2011
By YouTube Member: Panzerfaust04
Views on YouTube: 99
Posted on DU: May 27, 2011
By DU Member: democracy1st
Views on DU: 856 |
Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney, both GOP presidential candidates, are each trying their best to revise the history of the successful auto bailout and stimulus package. Pawlenty is now making campaign appearances at companies that were kept alive by the stimulus while still speaking out against it, and even worse, Romney (who wrote a New York Times editorial opposing the auto bailout) is now claiming that he came up with the idea of an auto bailout before the President did. Ed Rendell speaks to Rachel Maddow about the success of both programs, as well as the false Republican claims. From the May 26th, 2011 edition of The Rachel Maddow Show.