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Thom Hartmann: The Republican plan to create/kill jobs

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thomhartmann Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-02-11 10:41 AM
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Thom Hartmann: The Republican plan to create/kill jobs
Run time: 09:19
Posted on YouTube: September 02, 2011
By YouTube Member: TheBigPictureRT
Views on YouTube: 49
Posted on DU: September 02, 2011
By DU Member: thomhartmann
Views on DU: 931
So with the scheduling dust-up for the President's job speech resolved - and Speaker John Boehner getting what he wants: the President having to compete with the Saints and the Packers for the nation's attention next Thursday - maybe NOW we can actually focus on a plan to create jobs. While President Obama's jobs plan has yet to fully be released - we did get a clear picture of how Republicans would create jobs yesterday - when Presidential candidate Jon Huntsmen revealed his job creation plan which will likely mirror the rest of the Republican Party's ideas.

So what does Huntsman want to do? No surprise here - he wants to shill for transnational corporations - millionaires - and billionaires. First up - Huntsman wants to address the nation's debt by endorsing the Paul Ryan plan to privatize Medicare - that'll just hand billions more to for-profit companies. Then Huntsman is taking on taxes. Huntsman’s plan would lower the top income tax rate on the wealthiest Americans from 35% down to 23% - lower than it was during the Coolidge and Hoover administrations in the 1920’s that led to the Great Depression. As in more tax cuts for the so-called "job creators" that aren't creating a single job today, even though they're paying less in taxes right now than they have at any other point in the last fifty years. He’s also proposing eliminating the capital gains tax altogether - you know - the income tax paid by people like Paris Hilton who make their living sitting on their butts around the pool waiting for the dividend check to arrive. And how will Huntsman pay for these gigantic tax cuts for the uber-rich?

By taxing the middle class - and cutting benefits to seniors collecting Social Security. Huntsman also pushed for more pollution by saying we should eliminate EPA regulations - give more power for the banksters to gamble in the Stock Market by eliminating Wall Street reform - and have more drilling for oil in sensitive areas because he apparently didn't notice last year's BP disaster in the Gulf. And of course - he wants more of the same free trade policies that have cost our nation millions of manufacturing jobs. this really the best Republicans can do when it comes to job creation - more of same policies that Ronald Reagan gave us that eventually crashed the economy - with a little sprinkle of what Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover gave us that caused the Great Depression? Thom Hartmann asks Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty - They say the definition of insanity is repeating the same things over and over again and expecting different results - so how will enacting the same policies of deregulation and massive tax breaks for the rich that George W. Bush and Herbert Hoover championed create jobs this time around?

The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann on RT TV & FSTV "live" 9pm and 11pm check for local listings
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Newest Reality Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-02-11 10:50 AM
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1. Keep reducing taxes for
those who already have far too much, because power is equal to the amount of those faith-based tickets that you posses.

There is no better formula for neo-Serfdom. What better way to play the end-game a class-war where the Lords of the Fiefdom win is there?
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