Edited on Thu Nov-10-11 02:04 AM by kimsarah
While I applaud Keith's coverage and Van Jones' involvement and insight into Occupy, I disagree with what Keith said about the income gap, or disparity, which is the biggest it's ever been between the wealthy and everyone else. On the disparity, he said, "That, of course, is the essence of the Occupy movement." I would agree that the disparity ranks right up there with so many other big issues. But for me, the essence of the movement is even bigger. It's injustice, a broken system and the lack of any voice. I'd like to make more money, and I don't begrudge those who make a lot. But for me, the solution is not simply taxing the hell out of the rich and stopping the cutting of social programs. That would be a good start. I'm still not sure what the ultimate solution is. But eliminating the income disparity is not the total solution, in my opinion. And neither is jumping for the first political party to try and co-opt the energy.