History will prove the enormous mistake liberals made when they backed the NATO/US war in Libya. The hypocrisy is mind bending, of following the European right into conjuring up a civil war in another Arab country, with the same "Deciders" who plunged us into darkness in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen (but not against the Yemeni dictator, just drone attacks on some fringe elements in the desert). But our same dear leaders are content to watch the neatly titled Arab Spring wither on the vine when the military assumes power in Egypt, or when Bahrain or Saudi Arabia crush their people's democratic aspirations. "But wait," the US liberals meekly cry, "we got one that the Republicans couldn't get! We're big and strong and tough too! & since they were against it, it must've been the right thing to have done....right?" I called bullshit on the lead up, when we were told that the Qaddafi's slaughter of his people was imminent, (like a mushroom cloud) & I call bullshit now that the media pays no attention to the disaster that unfolded under 6000 NATO bombing missions inspired more carnage than Lybia's ill-fated leadership ever could have imagined. I don't think we've heard the last of this. So for the record, the US left is at it's weakest and most impotent when it tries to emulate the right. What do we need enemies for with friends like these? Wake the hell up.