For those who think that's tinfoil hat talk, check out Michio Kaku's promotion of it and listen to the people cheering the idea of merging the human brain with machinery becoming 'homo superior.'
Michio Kaku on The Singularity is the thinking of the elite that Nancy Pelosi complained about dealing with the GOP when she said they think they're going to live forever. That's why they feel insulated.
Another of Kaku's older presentations proclaims all persons who oppose a centralized, planetary government are bigots and terrorists. I tried to put that together to see where he was going.
For that reason, OWS would be designated terrorist, although they want a planetary solution. Any group or nation that opposes the system that will enable this being created will be called terrorist. FDR fought against the kind of world order that we are seeing taking place.
I enjoyed his videos of the possibilities of a planetary civilization that can control its local space environment in such as way as to prevent catastrophe by a meteor, to harness the power of the sun in a more direct way, space travel and even time travel. Also how it's theoretically possible and guiding the scientific community now.
However, I realize that despite the hyping of such adventures and the investments required by those who are intrigued at the thought, have been trained to make such things happen and have wealth and prestige from the system, it will leave probably 99.999999% of humanity out of the running to benefit them. The track record of sharing the best of technological advances with the masses, is not that great, no matter how good the sales job is. And it is real good.
I don't think people oppose the idea of global anything, so long as people and the environment aren't destroyed. But the combining of all the world's people will end up causing social stratification ala the Brave New World model and the destruction of the biosphere of this place that is our home.
And if people 'in control' as Kaku says, become cyborgs, and are able to leave this planet, they will not care about the environment. This may be the reason the GOP has always sought to demonize the environmental, labor and human rights movements. They will need total control.
Of necessity, those who seek to live that kind of life are going to extract all the wealth out of the 99% to survive in such a system and escape the catastrophe they're creating on Planet Earth.
But consider this and understand. They believe they are doing the best thing for the human race with all the fervor of any convert. And truly believe their opposition to be evil. What an incredible time to live in.