I expect the neo-con Republicans to promote unlimited wars, spying powers and indefinite detention of suspects. But I expect more of the Democrats who are supposed to be in our moral corner on this issue (this also hits home with our huge debt).
Apparently, this debacle played out as a Washington insider might predict. GOP once again got enough Dems by pre-arrangement. Dems take turns playing good cop, bad cop. Those with the least to lose are counted in the GOP column, while Dems on shakey political ground (ie: up for re-election in Dem districts) can oppose war-mongering measures and look like the good guys.
Glenn Greenwald has a good column at Salon that lays this out, and paints a picture of the theatrics Congress goes through to fool us. All, including OWS, should pay attention to this charade. While we may be helpless to stop it with the current cast of characters, we can be educated and hopefully do something about it down the road.
Here is the link: