protect the Banks at the expense of the people. And they can't do it anymore. They screwed everyone so badly, they collapsed the world's economy and THEY are the ones trying to fix this. They should be in jail, and let people with some brain cells working take over.
But they accumulated such power over the past several decades, buying everything, including Governments, they will not allow anyone who actually could begin to turn this around, to get near it. And that includes the people most affected by their criminal 'Austerity' and 'Share the Sacrifice' programs. Programs designed to take even more from the people who had nothing to do with creating this disaster.
When Governments get the courage to start arresting those responsible, taking over the banks, returning the money the got so corruptly, then things might begin to change.
But as long as THEY are in charge they will continue to try to save the money they stole for themselves, and make the people pay their gambling debts. But it's all falling apart and the people learn more about how it all happened and start to understand what they hoped we never would, the deliberately confusing language etc which was never meant for the people to understand. They underestimated the people though.