I didn't know if it was a hew pop group or some apocalyptically hot vegetables.
I'm a pepper, too!
Not a prepper though. I am not even equipped for a 24 hour blackout, let alone the end of the world as we know it.
Speaking of blackouts, though, Hurricane Sandy did inspire me to buy my very first disaster preparedness gadget.
I got this one, which Consumer Reports had recommended in its piece on disaster preparedness.
http://www.frontgate.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/x/459461?SourceCode=ZZ51120&cm_mmc=Comparison%20Shopping-_-Google%20Product%20Listings-_-NA-_-NA&mr:trackingCode=7EBAB1EC-EDF1-E111-96D6-BC305BEDEAD8&mr:referralID=NA&mr:adType=pla&mr:ad=30794751209&mr:keyword=&mr:match=&mr:filter=57086734289&redirect=yWhen I googled disaster preparedness Red Cross radio, though, I saw there were several versions online, including this one.
http://www.frontgate.com/x/393782?SourceCode=ZZ51120&cm_mmc=Comparison%20Shopping-_-Google%20Product%20Listings-_-NA-_-NA&mr:trackingCode=EE7BA817-5441-E211-96D6-BC305BEDEAD8&mr:referralID=NA&mr:adType=pla&mr:ad=15619433609&mr:keyword=&mr:match=&mr:filter=37524498209I guess this post is off topic, but, now that I finally did something, I guess I wanted to encourage others to prepare, too. Not for the apocalype, but just for the inevitable screw up.
Sorry for the hijacking, DD!