What do you do with teachers that just don't get it. We just changed math teacher's because he refused to acknowledge our son's inability to do some the assignments. The teacher insisted he could if he wanted to. Now the new teacher is doing the same. These projects include using a compass, which is bad enough with an old fashioned sharp pointed compass but with the new dull points it's worse. The new project has him working on a tessellation - designing a shape that will fit together, tracing it, cutting it out over and over, coloring and gluing it on a poster. The main portion of the grade has to do with the overall look not the understanding of the concept. Imagine how embarrassing it is to turn in a project that looks like an eight year old did it instead of an 8th grader.
I have asked the counselor to intervene on my son's defense. I know there are computer programs available that he could use to show his understanding. If the answer is no then I plan on doing the assignment myself.